James family papers finding aid
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AHGJ1—items from an envelope (5 & 1/4; in. x 8 1/8 in.) addressed in AHGJ’s hand to Alexander R. James Esq, 120 River Way, Longwood, Mass., U.S.A. The envelope bears British postage. There are four cancellation marks, none fully legible: CHELSEA, 12.15 AM, 9 M[ ], 16; CHEL[ ]A , 12.15 AM, 9 MR, 16; American flag; CO[ ] CORNER, MAR [ ], 10-30A, 1916, MA. The envelope, though not necessarily all of the contents, must have been sent by AHGJ to AJ following HJ’s death, Feb. 28, 1916.
• AHGJ1a—Western Union Cablegram, addressed to James Rokinstitute, dated London Jan 10-Jan 11, 1916. 1053 Third Avenue (Rockefeller Inst.) stamp. Text: "MENTAL OBSCURATION INCREASING PARLYSIS NOT IMPROVING OUTLOOD GLOOMY." signed "JAMES" Pencil note in upper right "1916". Pencil note across bottom: "To which I replied asking "Had I not better come over now?"
• AHGJ1b—Western Union Cablegram, addressed to James Rokinstitute NewYork, dated London Jan 13, 1916. Pencil line following "Received at" space: 1053 3 Ave NY. Green receipt stamp: Jan 13 1916. Text: "ADVISE AGAINST SAILING UNLESS PREPARED TO STAY POSSIBLY WEEKS HENRY HAS RALLIED SLIGHTLY." signed "JAMES"
• AHGJ1c—Western Union Cablegram, addressed to Kames (sic) Rokstituteny, dated Jan 14, 1916. 1053 Third Avenue (Rockefeller Inst.) stamp. Text: "CONDITION STEADILYDETERIORATING MENTALLY
• AHGJ1d—newspaper clipping marked in AHGJ’s hand "Post [of London?]. Feb 29th 1916. "Death of Mr. Henry James." 1 column the full length of the page. Margin indicates that it would be the last column on the right.
• AHGJ1e—newspaper clipping containing two notices of HJ’s death. "A Rye Novelist" is the main title. "Death of Mr. Henry James" leads one notice; "An Appreciation of the Late Mr. Henry James, O.M." leads the other. AHGJ wrote at the bottom of each notice its author. Following the first: "G.L. Deaun" (?); and the second "Mrs. Deio Fuilth" (?). The notices suggest that the clipping came from a Rye newspaper. The "Appreciation" offers glimpses of HJ in Rye. Emphasis on kindness, generosity. 1 column nearly the full length of the page. Margin indicates that it would be the last column on the right.
• AHGJ1f—newspaper clipping from The Times, dated Tuesday, February 29, 1916. In ink at the top of the clipping, in what may be AHGJ’s hand, "For A.R.J." and "By Percy Lubbock." The clipping is titled "Henry James, O.M.: The Man and the Artist." 1 and 1/3 columns from the middle of the page.
• AHGJ1g—newspaper clipping, source not marked. "Death of Mr. Henry James, O.M." About 2 & 3/4; in. long. Notice concludes, however, with "An appreciation of the great novelist and his work will be found on page 9," which may, according to the type face, be item AHGJ1h.
• AHGJ1h—newspaper clipping, approx. 7 & 3/4; in., "The Funeral of Henry James." Signed by Edmund Gosse. Written as a letter to the editor, the column focuses on HJ as "soldier" and "hero" on behalf of the British and their war effort.
• AHGJ1i—newspaper clipping, approx. 2 & 1/2; in., "The Late Henry James," responds to Gosse’s letter (item AHGJ1h). The writer, T. Bailey Saunders, like Gosse present at the funeral, notes that HJ told him that "The Altar of the Dead" was the story with which he was least dissatisfied. Clipping attached to a form from "The Temple Press Cutting Offices." and labelled Times, March 7, 1916.
• AHGJ1j—newspaper clipping, approx. 9 & 3/4; in., "Our London Correspondence: The Funeral of Henry James." Short list of those present. Much connecting of HJ and England in this, as in the other, notices. Partial clipping service form, but what’s present is just like that in AHGJ1i. Form offers the Manchester Guardian, March 4, 1916, as the source.
• AHGJ1k—letter to "Dear Mr. James," undated, from "Ethel Sands" on letterhead from "18 Chelsea Square, S.W. 3, Flaxman 0088." 2 sheets, 4 pages. This letter responds to one from the writer "via Reine Pitman." Letter implies that ES and the writer (Billy James?) knew each other years earlier, evidently ES was a caretaker for Peggy. Note that there were letters from HJ to "my mother." Mentions Ruth Draper’s (?) "broadcast on June 14th" and the appearance of "the first volume of Mr. Edel’s "Life" (pub. 1953). Also, the letter implies a series of questions having been asked: "I have no recollection at all of Mrs. Mason. Mrs Reubell I knew in Paris when I was an art-student." Other notes on individuals remembered as originals for HJ characters. "But you want to hear something about the real creatures who surrounded him!" ES knew Percy Lubbock, too. Letter implies that the writer was seeking letters. Also notes that she included Logan Pearsall Smith’s letter (item AHGJ1l).
• AHGJ1l—letter to "My dear Ethel," dated Feb. 29, 1916, from Logan Pearsall Smith, on 11 St. Leonard’s Terrace, Chelsea, S.W. letterhead. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Letter, written at the request of "Miss Peggie," informs ES of HJ’s death. "I feel as if a great cathedral had disappeared from the sky line, a great country with all its civilization been wiped from the map, a planet lost to the solar system." He was "like a great variable but constant mom."
• AHGJ1m—notes written in the first person on Ethel Sands’s letterhead, 18 Chelsea Square, S.W.3, Flaxman 0088 (see AHGJ1k). 1 sheet, 2 pages. undated. "H.J. copied by Mis Sands" in another hand across the top of the page. Perhaps "deathbed" dictation taken by ES and sent to Billy James with items AHGJ1k and AHGJ1l. Speaks of impending death "Valentine’s death-scene." States "However, we shen’t [sic] perish but live to tread a frimer & flowering soil." Also states his unhappiness with "Miss Robin’s [sic] hair, mais, que voulez vous. I can’t dress it!"
• AHGJ1n—list of notes in what appears to be AHGJ’s hand. 1 sheet, 1 page. Header on the list "1902-H.J."
• AHGJ1o—pencil draft of copy of a letter from AHGJ to Harry, who was traveling to England when HJ died. 3 sheets, 5 pages. Details of HJ’s last days, death, funeral, casting of death mask. Deeply moving and richly detailed. AHGJ is very generous in her gratitude toward others who helped during this most difficult time. Peggy deeply affected by HJ’s death.
AHGJ2—item in AHGJ2 was contained in a 12 in x 9 & 1/2; envelope addressed to Alexander R. James Esq., Dublin, N.H. Return address: Henry James, 10 East 10th St., N.Y.C. Two cancellation stamps: one illegible; second—NEW YORK, FEB 26, 530PM, MADISON SQ. STA., 1923. Three broken wax seals on the envelope flap. Each apparently stamped with an "HJ" impression. "Will of My Mother—, and apportionments" written above the addressee on the front, in pencil.
• AHGJ2a—Will and, enclosed in it, notes by Harry concerning the will’s execution. Preceding the will is a Feb. 23 memo by Harry about the inventory "schedule" that follows. The memo must have gone to the siblings. 2 pages of queries about Alec’s apportionment. 1 page "Things not scheduled." 1 page "Note as to Schedules" dated Feb. 23, 1923. The schedule and memos give a strong sense of Harry’s administrative style (decisive and humane and attentive to practical details, and of his administrative ability.
Will and notes contained in a folder labeled: "WILL of ALICE H. JAMES" and Dated October 22, 1919. Minny Kidd and Burgess Noakes, who worked for HJ, are listed as AHGJ’s servants and left $1,000 each. Sets up a trust for Peggy and then for her children. Henry is the will’s executor. Emily Sargent and Reine Ormond were the witnesses. Will itself is 9 pages. Following the will: "Memorandum as to Silver" dated January 12, 1923 (1 page); Inventory, with columns for "appraisal," "wanted by," "apportioned to," and "other dispositions." Harry’s (?) notes show that the appraised value was not what he saw as the actual value. "Memorandum as to China" dated January 12, 1923 follows p. 10 of Harry’s inventory chart. After the China memo, 16 more pages of inventory of 95 Irving Street follow. The inventory makes the virtual destruction of 95 Irving all the more poignant.
AHGJ3—items contained in an 11 & 3/4; in. x 9 in. file folder with the label "MRS WM JAMES" on the folder tab.
• AHGJ3a—items contained in a 6 & 1/2; in. x 3 5/8 in. envelope labeled "Copies of farewells A.H.J."
• AHGJ3ai—5 in. x 3 in. note paper with "H.J. obits" (in Mickey James’s hand?).
• AHGJ3aii—obit. titled "Widow of Prof. James" "Transcript—Sept 30" written in pencil at the top of the column.
• AHGJ3aiii—note to "Dear Edward Warren" dated Sept. 12, 1922. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Copy of a farewell, in which AHGJ gives EW Ginger bowls, which he had once admired. "Will you keep them to remember me by and like them better because they were my husbands choice as well as mine?"
• AHGJ3b—items contained in a 5 in. x 7 & 1/2; in. envelope titled in pencil "Farewells and precious remembrances of Mamma."
• AHGJ3bi—copy of a letter to "Dear Mr. James,—" dated Dec. 2, 1922. Typed. From John H. Taylor. Asks for a time when he might exchange the souvenir of AHGJ for something else, "that will more plainly show forth the reasons for its existence."
• AHGJ3bii—poem "To John Maxson Stillman [?] In [illegible] of Good Cheer." 1 sheet, 1 page. On Stanford University letterhead. By David Starr Jordan."
• AHGJ3biii—copy of letter to "Dear Rebecca [Dundas]" dated Sept. 13. 22. 2 sheets 3 pages. On letterhead: Mrs. William James, 95 Iriving Street, Cambridge, Mass." Asks RD to travel to the US to work for either Billy in Cambridge or Aleck in Dublin. States that RD would be a comfort to "my children and their wives that you were to us." Leaves $500 "in grateful recognition of all your generous service in the old happy days when you helped me through."
• AHGJ3biv—copy of a letter to "Dear Grace" dated Sept. 14. 1 sheet, 2 pages. "Mrs. Charles W. Eliot" written in the top left corner. Letter in full: "I cannot go away without a massage of love to yo and the president. From that first summer after William’s death you and he have held out strong and comforting and in more ways than you may imagine taught me how to take hold of life again. Will you take a message of love and farewell to all the B’s. I had hoped for the first autumn meeting here. Much love, dear Grace, to you and Mr Eliot from your devoted friend"
• AHGJ3c—note to "My dear Mrs James" from Dallas D.L McGrew, dated November 26. 1902. 1 sheet, 1 page. Accepts AHGJ’s invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. On the reverse, in AHGJ’s hand: "Francis had pasted this onto my looking-glass that he might adore the precious Ulie [?]. He brushes his hair now as McGrew did, up from his forehead. He grows handsome."
• AHGJ3d—letter to "Dear Aleck." from AHGJ, dated "Home. June 2, 1919. Family notes about A’s grandchildren, plans, desire to have more time to read, recent visitors, plans—including going "tomorrow morning to buy a Ford" [PS notes: "Tuesday a.m. I have bought a Ford!"]
• AHGJ3e—letter to "Dear Billy," dated Aug. 7 1913, on mourning stationary from 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Her appreciation of Jerome Greene, whose visit to A. appreciated because "he took the kindest care of me" for a day. Reports on her "perfect visit, a really delightful 6 days with the Eliots." Looks forward to seeing "you both and the boy."
• AHGJ3f—letter to "Darling Billy" from AHGJ dated July 3 1910. 4 sheets, 7 pages. Letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Tivoli, Lucerne. Envelope from the Grand Hotel addressed to: William James jr Esqre, 95 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass, U.S.A. Two cancellation stamps on the front: one illegible; the other, LUZER[ ], 3.VIII.10—10, BRF. EXP[ ]. Stamp on the back: Gd. Hotel Tivoli, LUCERNE, 3-JUL. 1910, [possibly another line, illegible]. Notes that that morning she had to care for HJ, who came to her "in one of his bad nervous hours." Notes on day to day events. That she and HJ could not make a steep climb to a tourist spot and on their return to the base of the hill, "inwardly I felt so miserably fettered by my heavy body, when behold, like a bird or some mountain goat . . . a Swiss youth of 18 or so alighted beside us." After a brief conversation, the young man left. But "He little dreamed how grateful I was to him for being young, and light and good. It didn’t really matter that I couldn’t climb the path since he could. What a long story to tell you but I have to make the best of all that comes my way for the cheer is meagre." How WJ and HJ "make a difficult combination." "Papa can’t walk and uncle Henry can’t smile." More on the difficult trip to Nauheim. WJ’s physical illness and HJ’s "sad pathway," which "is to be a long one, I fear." Speculations on the causes of their illnesses. Arrangements for their arrival at Quebec and after.
• AHGJ3g—envelope addressed to: Mrs William James, 18 Garden Street, Cambridge, Mass. Envelope from the Hotel Pocahontas, Gerrish Island, Kittery Point, ME. Two cancellation stamps on the front: one illegible; other PORTSMOUTH, JUN, 30, 2PM., N.H. One cancellation stamp on the back, mostly illegible: CAMBRIDGE ST[ ].
HJ1—items contained in an envelope, 4 & 3/4; in x 6 & 1/2; in, addressed to Mrs. William James, 95 Irving St., Cambridge Mass., U.S.A, in HJ’s hand. Three postmarks, none fully legible, all London, 9 March, 1915, 5.30PM. The envelope bears a penciled "23" following the "St." abbreviation.
• HJ1a—letter to "Dear Sir" dated January 21, 1915. 1 sheet, 3 pages. Envelope addressed to Henry James Esqre, 21 Carlyle Mansions, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, SW. Two postal stamps: Field Post Office T. 6., JA 22, 15; PASSED No. 1454 CENSOR. Pencil signature on the envelope. Letter thanks HJ for "your packet of Handkerchiefs" and his "kind letter." Much gratitude for support from the home front. Sentiment of righteousness for the Allied cause vs. "the tyrant."
• HJ1b—letter to "Dear Sir" dated Feb. 16, 1915. 1 sheet, 1 page. Return address on letter: 113A Tolworth Park Road, Surbiton. Envelope addressed to Henry James Esq, 21 Carlyle Mansions, Cheyne Walk, SW. One cancellation, partially legible: [ ]TON, SURREY, [ ]9 AM, 17 FE, 15. Letter from Sapper Thomas J Williams thanks HJ for helping him get his teeth fixed or false teeth.
• HJ1c—letter to "Dear Sir" dated Feb. 14, 1915. 1 sheet, 1 page. Return address on letter: H.M.S. Iron XXX, Grand Fleet. Envelope bears one cancellation stamp, partially legible: LONDON, 2 AM, 17 FE, 15. Also "PASSED BY CENSOR" stamp, with "S.W." pencilled over it. Letter signed by W. Kidd, who thanks HJ for his kindness in helping to make a recent 2-day stay in London.
• HJ1d—letter to "Sir: dated January 28, 1915. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Return address on letter: 1254 Arm. A. Claringbould, No 2 by. A. 6. Corps, H. M. Gun. Wharf, Devonport. Envelope addressed to Henry James Esq., 21 Carlyl [sic] Mansions, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. Two cancellations, neither fully legible, each DEVONPORT, 7.45PM, 28 JA, 15. Letter informs HJ of C’s new quarters, which he took up following a stay in London. C. gives a report of Devonport and its architecture, etc., but notes no progress with "this wretched nervous trouble." Hopes that "your complain [sic] is within still within check."
NB: two other items were in HJ1: a card addressed to Willim James Jr, Otis Place (this is now item WJjr1a, and and envelope labelled "W. James autographs, which contained items WJ2a, a card, and WJ2b-d, the signature lines from WJ checks.
HJ2—The items in HJ2 were held in an envelope 6 & 3/4; in. x 4 5/8 in., labeled "Correspondence Re Mrs Wharton’s 70th Birthday Gift to Uncle Henry." in Bill James’s hand.
• HJ2a—letter to "Dear Harry" from Henry L. Higginson, date March 27, 1913 on letterhead of Henry L. Higginson, 44 State Street, Boston. 1 sheet, 1 page. Letter is typed, with "SPECIAL DELIVERY" in the upper left of the letter. The letter informs Harry of Wharton’s plan to raise $5,000 "to give yoiur Uncle Harry something handsome on his birthday, and I believe it is to be a portait." HLH and Sturgis Bigelow, it seems, have been enlisted by EW. But one of those whom they approached, "a lady who knows him bery well and who is unusally keen" thinks it a bad idea. HLH thus writes to learn of Harry’s opinion. HLH invites Harry to call him over "a private telephone wire between our New York and Boston offices, over which you can talk to me."
• HJ2b—letter copy, in Bill James’s hand, addressed to "Dear Mr. James". 1 sheet, 3 pages. 12 Otis Place letterhead, on which the printed address is struck through and "56 Beacon St. Boston." is written. Dated 2-4-13. Letter by Sturgis Bigelow informs Bill that "some anonymous individual seems to have started a panic by evolving the idea that what was aimed at was a subscription to keep him out of a hypothetical poorhouse." He defends Wharton’s plan. Ends: "It looks to me as if somebody had gone off at half-cock by misunderstanding the situation and her intention.—Was it Howells?"
• HJ2c—note to "Dear Uncle George," on 12 Otis Place letterhead, dated April 8th 1913. 1 sheet, 1 page. Bill encloses "the two copies you asked for" and writes that aside from a note from Bigelow, he has heard nothing.
• HJ2d—letter copy, in Bill James’s hand, addressed to "Dear Dr. Bigelow," dated April 3rd 1913, on 12 Otis Place letterhead. 1 sheet, 3 pages. Bill explains that "my action" ended EW’s "friendly plan." Bill outlines how he informed HJ "gently" so that he could accept the plan, if he so chose. HJ responded thus by cable: "Immense thanks for warning. Taking instant prohibitive action. Please express to individuals approached my horror. Money absolutely returned."
• HJ2e—letter to "Dear Mr. James," dated March 1913, from Edith Wharton. Letter is not signed, but EW’s name is typed. "Dear" is typed on the greeting, and "Mr. James" is written in ink. This is the letter, marked "Private and confidential." that sets out the plan to raise the money for HJ’s 70th birthday gift.
• HJ2f—letter to "Dear Bill," dated 12 West 44th St., Mar. 27. 1 sheet, 1 page. From Harry James. Harry congratulates Bill for what "you did in this Wharton—H.J. matter." Notes that he has made a slight change in what must have been Bill’s draft cable to HJ, but writes that "your cable was good + I think it ought to go in your name."
• HJ2g—copy of a letter from HJ. "H.J. to George Abbot James" written at the head of the copy in a hand different from the copyist’s. Undated. 2 sheets, 6 pages. HJ tells GAJ that he has accepted "a piece of charming, but sufficiently modest, plate, a silver-gilt Golden Bow of the value (as has been revealed to me) of exactly fifty pounds" which 250 people subscribed for. The portrait named. HJ’s anxiety over the old plan, which would have demanded a large amount of money from relatively few people, and his satisfaction with the actual plan, which used a little money from many people. The issue seems to have been how much the few would have had to give.
• HJ2h—Letter from Henry L. Higginson to George A. James [52 Beacon Street], March 24, 1913, on HLH’s letterhead, 44 State Street, Boston. 1 sheet, 1 page. Letter solicits GAJ as a part of the Wharton fundraiser. HLH asks for $500, "but of course smaller sums would be equally welcome."
• HJ2i—copy of a letter to "Dear Mr. Higginson" from Harry, dated March 27. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Thanks HLH for informing him of the subscription "scheme." States that the plan "would embarrass him [HJ] profoundly." Mentions EW letter, item HJ2e. Notes HJ’s "dreary and depressing winter of illness" and remarks that a personal letter rather than signing a check would be more appreciated by him. Ends by questioning EW’s "instincts."
• HJ2j—copy of Bill’s cable to HJ informing him of EW’s plan.
• HJ2k—copy of a note from George Abbot James to Henry L. Higginson, dated Sunday, March 25th, 1913, addressed, "Dear Henry." GAJ thanks HLH for "your note of yesterday" (see item HJ2h), but declines, "wish[ing] to have no part."
HJ3—The items in HJ3 were contained in a 5 & 1/2; in. x 7 & 1/2; in. envelope, which was labeled "H.J." in red pencil, probably by Mickey James.
• HJ3a—"The Diary of a Man of Fifty" and "A Bundle of Letters" from Harper’s Half-Hour Series. Edel A14. First American Edition, issued simultaneously in paper (here) and cloth. Title page has "Sargent" written at the top, possibly by HJ.
• HJ3b—"The Lesson of the Master" and other Stories ("The Marriages," "The Pupil," "Brooksmith," "The Solution," "Sir Edmund Orme") from Heinemann and Balestier’s "The English Library" series (of which this is No. 135). Volume is broken and incomplete, with p. 160 being the last. Edel F1d. "Rose Lamb" written on the front cover in pencil.
HJ4—The items in HJ4 were contained in a letter-sized file folder, marked "HJ TO HARRY" on the tab.
• HJ4a—letter to "Dearest Harry," dated Feb. 16th, 1905, on letterhead from The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, FL. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Breakers Hotel envelope addressed to Henry James jr Esq., 95 Irving St., Cambridge Mass. Two cancellation stamps on the front: PALM BEACH, FEB [rest illegible]; other stamp illegible. Two cancellation stamps on the reverse: BOSTON, FEB 20, 7-AM, 1905, MASS.; American flag stamp with what must be CAMBRIDGE STATION in the star field. List of names in pencil on the back—not in HJ’s hand. Notes that he encloses a letter meant for Harry and that he is very busy and about to leave for St. Augustine.
• HJ4b—letter to "Dearest Harry," dated May 23rd . 1 sheet, 2 pages. Mourning stationary from 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. HJ is relieved that Harry is with AHGJ, whom HJ talked to this morning by telephone. Wishes Harry and Peg and Alice a better and restorative day to come. "The angel Theodate" [Pope?] to take him to New Haven by car to see Yale.
• HJ4c—letter to "Dearest Harry," dated "Friday a.m." from Nahant. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Mourning stationary from 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 95 Irving Street and Cambridge are struck through. HJ discovers that he has money in a savings bank, apparently found or located by Harry. HJ now feels "renewed" in his "energy for fighting out my situations on the right lines." For "the thing is always to pick myself up for more continuity". Hopes that Harry’s stay with Alice and Aleck will have been a "boon" to all three.
• HJ4d—card to "Dearest Aleck," dated October 18th, 1908. 1 card, 2 sides. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. printed header (same as contemp. letterhead). Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. Two cancellation stamps on the front: RYE, 6.PM
OC 18, 08; and RYE, 6.PM, [ ] 18 [rest illegible]. One cancellation stamp on the back: OXFORD, 945AM, OC 19, 08. Message on card supplements a wire sent by HJ to Alec the previous day. Gives details of the arrival of the Saxania (on which WJ, AHGJ, and Peg returned to the U.S.), encourages A. to "bear bravely up" and plans to visit him "somewhere about the 9th." Alec is just now on his own in Oxford and very homesick.
• HJ4e—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated Oct: 18 20th, 1908. 1 card, 2 sides. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. printed header (same as contemp. letterhead). Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. Two cancellation stamps on the front: RYE, 9.15AM, OC 21, 08; RYE 9.15 AM, OC 21, 08. One stamp on the back: OXFORD, 6. PM, OC 2[ ], 08. Thanks A. for "your brave little letter" and notes his delight "with your good spirits." Implies that A. is delaying his coming to Rye and puts off HJ from coming to see him. Encourages him to "bear up" under his stressful circumstances (with the Smiths). Asks for news from the WJ family.
• HJ4f—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated Oct. 26th, 1918. 2 cards, 4 sides. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. printed header (same as contemp. letterhead). Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. One cancellation stamp on the front: RYE, 7. PM, OC 26, 08. One cancellation stamp on the back: [ ]ord, [ ]AM, OC 27, 08. Thanks A. for his letter and for "your mother’s quite divine one." Notes "dear old Charle’s Norton’s [sic] death".
• HJ4g—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated Oct 13 1808 1908. 2 cards, 4 sides. Envelope addressed to A.R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. Once cancellation stamp on the front: RYE, 11 PM, OC 13, 08. Two stamps on the back, neither fully legible: [ ], OC[ ], 08; OXF[ ], 915.PM, OC 13, 08. Back of envelope has "cuttez" or "cutter" written in ink, not in HJ’s hand. Front of envelope has a yellow post-it with ". . . a dictionary . . ." attached. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. printed header (same as contemp. letterhead). Thanks A. for his letter, "which has been on the whole reassuring to me." Promises to send A. a good dictionary. Reassures A. that Smith is only being English, and as such is really "kind + faithful + helpful." Advises A. to go to the Times for news on the Saxonia’s arrival (in the U.S.).
• HJ4h—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated October 27th 28th, 1908. 1 card, 2 sides. Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. "returning letter" written on lower-left of the envelope’s front. One cancellation on the front: RYE, 1. PM, OC 20, 08. Cancellation on back partial: [ ], 11. [ ], OC 2[ ], 08. Thanks A. for the "beautiful letters." Notes that WJ has taken "to the hills + the true breast of nature."
• HJ4i—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated O November 1st, 1908. 1 card, 2 sides. Envelope addressed to Alexander Robertson James Esq., The King’s Mound., Oxford. One partially legible cancellation stamp on the front: RYE, 9 15 AM, NO 2, 05. One cancellation stamp on the back: [ ]ford, 6.45.PM, NO 2, 08. Returns letters from WJ and Bill. Encloses one from WJ to him (HJ). Asks for "three little words. . . to tell me how you’re getting on." "I could come to you one day next week—after the 9th or 10th, remember, if you should ‘need’ me."
• HJ4j—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated Jan. 19. 1909. 1 card. 2 sides. Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. One illegible cancellation stamp on the front. One cancellation stamp on the back: OXFORD, 8.30 AM, JA 21, 09. Sketches, AJ’s name, and "Ruth Mansfild" written in pencil on the back of the envelope. Comments on "dear Peg’s letters full of life + charm." Infers from A’s lack of a note that his "‘Instructor’ has taken no new line whatever." HJ conveying news from A. to WJ. "L.H. yearns for you."
• HJ4k—letter fragment to "Dear Miss [ ]. Contained in a 3 5/8 in. x 6 & 1/2; in. envelope, labeled "H.J. Autograph" in Mickey James’s hand. Pink post-it attached to envelope, with "signature torn off."
• HJ4l—letter to "Dearest Harry." no date. [pencil notation in the upper-left of the first page "Jan 29th, ’05, in Harry’s hand (?)] 3 sheets, 6 pages. Envelope addressed to Henry James, jr, Esq, 95 Irving St., Cambridge Mass. Two cancellation marks on the front: PHILADELPHIA, JAN 29, 8-PM, 1905, PA; and a barely legible flag stamp. Two cancellation marks on the back: BOSTON, JAN 30, 10-30A, 1905, MASS.; and a flag with CAMBRIDGE STATION in the star field. Yellow note attached, "H.J. Enveloped Addressed to Nephew Harry—" in Mickey James’s hand. Asks Harry for "another blessed service"—to help him secure passage back to England on either the Saxonia or the Iapoeraia (?), sometime around July 1. Seeks "the best single cabin" and gives Harry latitude to arrange all other details. Leaving for Richmond "Tuesday a.m. 31st." Outlines plans up to St. Augustine. Outlines plans for late spring, when, before sailing, he wishes to be able to "get a good deal of my book worked off." Written from 1810 S. Rittenhouse Square.
• HJ4m—letter to "Dearest H." dated August 9th, 1904, typed on Lamb House, Rye, Sussex, letterhead. 2 sheets, 2 pages. Pages stapled. All is fixed regarding HJ’s trip to the United States. HJ in close contact with AHGJ about his plans. HJ very excited about coming to the U.S. "Send this to the others as a renewed announcement to them as well". "To Harry" written in the upper-left corner of the first page, not in HJ’s hand.
• HJ4n—photocopy of HJ4m.
HJ5—Items in HJ5 were contained in a 9 in. x 11 & 3/4; in. file folder, which is marked "To Billy" in red on the tab.
• HJ5a—letter to "Dearest Bill" dated April 13th, 1914. On 105 Pall Mall, S.W. letterhead, on which the letterhead address is canceled and "21 Carlyle Mansions, Chelsea, S.W." is written above and to the right. 9 sheets, 18 pages. Blue pencil brackets and notes. Apologizes for not writing sooner. Notes Peg’s arrival. Disparages Peg’s "appendage," Margaret Payson. Praise for Peggy’s intelligence and responsiveness and her ability to be a good companion. "She is infallably perceptive + sympathetic." Discusses beauty and noses. Criticizes Wilfred’s painting. Discussion of portrait painting.
• HJ5b—photocopy of one page from AHGJ3f.
• HJ5c—envelope 8 3/16 in. x 5 & 1/4; in. addressed by HJ to William James Esq., 39 Chestnut Street, Boston Mass, United States. Five illegible cancellation stamps. "Br. 1920. B" written on upper left corner.
• HJ5d—letter to "Dearest Bill" on Reform Club, Pall Mall. S.W., letterhead, dated June 19th, 1902. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Envelope addressed to William James Esq, Garlant’s Hotel, Suffolk St., Pall Mall. Envelope is from the Reform Club. S.W. written on the upper left. One stamp cancellation: London S.W, Jun 20 120, 4AM. Letter notifies Bill and his wife, Alice, of a delay in coming to Rye due to a late-scheduled meeting with Katie Rodgers.
HJ6—Items in HJ6 were contained in a 11 & 3/4; in. x 9 in. file folder labeled "HJ to AJ" on the cutout.
• HJ6a—letter to "Dearest [ ]" dated November 24, 1908. 1 sheet, 1 page. While this letter is torn, it appears to be on Lamb House letterhead. Sends to Aleck a letter from WJ. Comments on Peg’s "theatrical gains" and wishes he could see her perform. Pink post-it attached with the note: "signature torn off."
• HJ6b—envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq, The King’s Mound, Oxford. Postage stamp and thus cancellation torn. Cancellation stamp on the back partially legible: [ ], 6.[ ]PM, NO 23, 08.
• HJ6c—card to "Dearest Aleck." on Reform Club card stock. dated Feb. 22. 2 cards, 4 sides. Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. Reform Club envelope. Cancellation: LOND[ ], FEB23 [ ], 12.15 AM. Cancellation on back: [ ]XFORD, [ ], FE 23, 09. Mentions his trip to Brighton, responds to A’s attendance at a play, which cannot "be very often done," notes receipt of a letter from "your Tufts College friend," notes family members who have written him recently. P.S. written on the outside back of the envelope.
• HJ6d—Letter to "Dearest Alice." dated April 24th, 1912, on Reform Club mourning letterhead. 2 sheets, 8 pages. Envelope also from the Reform Club and mourning stationary addressed to: Mrs. William James [Bill’s wife], Lamb House, Rye. Postage stamp torn off, but a cancellation remains: LONDON.S.W, APL25 12A, 12.15 AM. Cancellation on reverse: [ ], [ ].30AM, AP 25, 12. Arranges reservations for the three to see the Russian Dancers. "my days with you did me no end of good, + have been quite a milestone in my course." Seeks information on what was wrong with Mrs. Prothero, whom they had seen at the Rye station. Note on the inquiry to the Titanic sinking.
• HJ6e—letter to "Dearest Aleck." dated "Saturday noon." 1 sheet, 2 pages. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex letterhead. Envelope addressed to: A. R. James Esq., c/o Charles Hotham Esq., Theydon Priory, Theydon Bois., Essex. Cancellation: RYE, 1.PM, MR 20, 09. Cancellation on reverse: EPPING, 10.30.PM, MR 20, 09. Notes that he’s lost touch with "where you are," with A. having left Oxford and the Smiths, but that he is trying to reach him via Hotham. Gives advice on A’s procedure for preparing to return home. Invites A. to spend time with him. Asks A. to "inform me of your movements + times—even by wire if necessary!"
• HJ6f—letter to "Dearest Aleck." dated January February 1st 1909, on Lamb House, Rye, Sussex letterhead. Letter signature torn away, along with the letter’s lower left-hand corner. HJ returns letters. HJ notes that "I have not been very well" and "though I am definitely better, [it is] something of an effort to me to write." Deeply encouraging words to A, which remind him of the love of his family and of his uncle, which should help "to bear you up." Asks A. not to mention that he isn’t well, "such things get so exaggerated" but also notes that he can only "do short letters."
MJ1—The items in MJ1 were contained in a 9 in. x 6 in. envelope, which is addressed: "To: Alexander R. James, Esq, Caixa Postal 363, 8600 Lagos, Algarve, Portugal." The return address: "From: M. James, 34 Fairfield St., Boston, Mass., 02116. The envelope is further marked on the lower left corner "AIR" in red with a blue bar under and over the word. It has an "Air Mail" stamp and a metered postal stamp: BOSTON, Mar-4’91, MASS. Over the metered stamp is written "Wm James" in Mickey James’s hand.
• MJ1a, b—black and white death bed photographs of WJ. 5 in x 7 in. One & 3/4; length, hands folded across his chest, eyes closed. The other a chest-up picture. See also WJ7a-f.
MJ2—Items in MJ2 were contained in a 6 & 1/2; in. x 3 5/8 in. envelope, which is labeled in Mickey James’s hand. In the upper right corner MJ wrote: "HOUSES/NEWPORT" in black ink. On the front of the envelope, in red pencil, he wrote: "H O W, J, New/p." There is a "+" inside of the "O."
• MJ2a—3 & 1/2in. x 4 7/8 in. black and white photograph of MJ preparing to take a photograph. The back of the photo is labeled in MJ’s hand "M.J., (Newport--, May 7, ’77).
• MJ2b--3 & 1/2 in. x 4 7/8 in. black and white photograph of a side view of the stone house at the corner of Spring Street and Lee Avenue, where the James family lived from 1862-63. The back of the photo is labeled in MJ’s hand "H.J. house (Newport)."
• MJ2c—3 & 1/2; in. x 3 & 1/2; in. color photograph of the house in MJ2b, same shot, but from a greater distance. The back of the photo is labeled in MJ’s hand "H.J. house (Newport)."
• MJ2d—3 & 1/2; in. x 3 & 1/2; in. color photograph of the family house labeled in Harry T. Moore’s Henry James as "The James family home in Newport, Rhode Island, 1860-62." The back of the photo is labeled in MJ’s hand "W.J. house (Newport)."
WJ1--Green cloth binding. Titled on spine: Letters: William James to A.R.J. 1895-1910.
This book contains letters and postcards attached to the book pages. The following lists and, as will be the procedure for this inventory, describes briefly those letters and cards in the order of their appearance:
• WJ1a—postcard from Nauheim, Germany, September 22, 1899, with a note on the back and addressed to: Mr. John Robertson James, care of W. M. Saltes, Silver Lake (N.H.), V.S. v Amerika.
• WJ1b—postcard from Perugia, Italy, March 10 [1901], with a note on the front and addressed to: Mr. Tweedy James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass, Stati Uniti dì A.
• WJ1c—postcard from Florence, Italy, March 20 [1901], with a note on the front and addressed to: Mr. Tweedy James, 107 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass, Stati Uniti dì Anerca [?]
• WJ1d—letter to "Mon doux Cherubini’" dated Aug 8, with an envelope stamped Aug 8 ’95, written on El Paso Club (Colorado Springs, Colo.) letterhead. 2 sheets/4 pages and 2 illustrations. Envelope is addressed to: Master F.T.R..T James, Chocorua, N.H. Letter is in French. Family translation included.
• WJ1e—letter to "Darling Tweedy," dated [June 12, ‘98], with an envelope to Mr. John Roberstson James, care of William James, Chocorua, N.H. and stamped from Boston, June 12, 1898. 1 sheet, 2 pages.
• WJ1f—letter to "Darling Alice," dated June 28, ’98, P.M. and headed "Adirondack Lodge" in WJ’s hand. The letter is 1 and & 1/2; sheets, 6 pages
• WJ1g—two advertising handcards, one from "Wing Fat & Co." and one from "Sing Fat & Co." both in San Francisco.
• WJ1h—tourist flyer or magazine cutout, with picture, of Glacier Point. Reverse advertizes "Signal Peak," "Chilualna Falls," "The Summer Season at Walwona" and the paintings of Thomas Hill. No date.
• WJ1i—letter to "Darling Old Cherubini," dated August 28, 1898. One sheet, three pages. This excellent letter uses the story of a coyote’s death, which had been shot, to give a lesson on "your boy business": "He was doing his Cayote-business like a hero, and you must do your boy-business, and I my man-business bravely too, or else we wont be worth as much as that little Cayote."
• WJ1j—letter to "Dear Francis" written in part probably by Peggy, who accompanied her mother and father on the trip and in part by WJ. 1 sheet, 4 pages. The letter is dated 15th July 1899 and written on ship stationary, as the family was evidently about to depart for Europe. With the letter is a dinner menu, on the back of which is an illustration of the liner and notes to John Robertson by WJ. Envelope addressed to "Mr. John Robertson James, Care of W. M. Salter, Silver Lake, N.H. Return address: V. S. v. Amerika. 2 stamps, 2 cancellations (readable only as "Bad-Nauheim" and "8.8.99 2.34"
• WJ1k—letter to "Sweet Old Tweed," dated August 7, 1899, from "Villa Luise, Bad=Nauheim." 1 sheet, 4 pages with illustrations of 3 dogs and Mrs. WJ. Although WJ writes that that "I will let her [Alice] finish this letter," there is no section from Alice.
• WJ1l—letter to "Dear François." N.d., n.p. on the letter. 2 sheets, 3 pages. Letter gives advice on living and projects that Alec will "grow up into a filosopher like me." Second sheet is a series of six illustrations of a dog in silly positions with the caption: "Sweet old Tweedy How would you like us to bring you this little dog? So nice and fat and warm?" Envelope addressed to "Mr. Francis James, 107 Irving Street, Cambridge (Mass.), U.S.A.
• WJ1m—photocopied note with the header "Nauheim, September 2nd. 1899." to "Darling old John Robertson." The original may have been removed from the album, since the place at which the copy appears has had its item removed.
• WJ1n—letter to "Sweet Old Tweedy," dated September 23, 1899, on "Hôtel St. Gotthard-Terminus in Luzern/Jos. Döpfner" letterhead. 2 sheets, 4 pages. first page not attached to the album. The letter is rather emotional, written, WJ says, "because I feel overflowing with happiness at being in Switzerland again, and at being set free from that awful stick-in-the-mud cure-life at Nauheim . . .".
• WJ1o—letter to "Sweet Old Tweedy" from Rome dated December 6, 1900. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Unattached from the album. Enclosures mentioned in the letter (not presently in the album). Envelope: return address: Stati Uniti, di America. Addressed to: Mr. Francis James, 107 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass. 1 of 3 cancellation stamps partly legible. "Roma" as the single legible word.
• WJ1p—letter to "Sweet old . . . .Francis!", with the header "Charlotte Square, Edinb. May 26, 1901. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Recent gossip about individuals WJ has met.
• WJ1q—letter to "Darling Alice" (Alice H.G. James), dated Sunday 29.3, 1903, 8.30 P.M., on letterhead of the Kenilworth Inn, Asheville, N.C. 4 sheets, 7 pages. Within this letter are sections to "Dearest Alec, Child of my entrails" and to "Darling Peg." Envelope, from the Kenilworth Inn, addressed to "Mrs. William James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass" Cancellation stamps illegible.
• WJ1r—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated Cambridge, June 24, 1903, 8 P.M. 1 sheet, 4 pages. News to Aleck. Included is this note on Harvard Commencement, at which WJ talked: "I was afraid the President might describe me as a ‘psychologist’ a name I dislike, + so he did." Envelope addressed to Mr. Alexander R. James, c/o Wm James, Chocorua, N.H. Cancellation stamp: BOSTON, JUN 25, 4-AM, 1903, MASS.
• WJ1s—letter to "Dear old Aleck," dated 95 Irving Street, July 10, 1905. 1 sheets, 4 pages. Words to Aleck encouraging him to make the most of his summer. Envelope addressed to A.R. James, Camp Portanimicut, South Orleans, Mass. Cancelled at Cambridge Station and at Boston. Only the Boston mark is legible: Boston Mass Jul 11 1905 2-AM.
• WJ1t.i—two items on this page. Taped to the top of the page is a postcard addressed to Mr. Aleck James, Camp Portanimicut, South Orleans (Mas [card slightly torn here]. Message to "Dear old boy" about receipt of Aleck’s letter re: his fishing trip, "a real sea-experience, and not got sick." Card cancelled at Cambridge Station and at Boston. Only the Boston mark is legible: Boston Mass Jul 19 1905 2-AM.
• WJIt.ii is a letter addressed to "Dear Aleck" and dated Cambri. July 21, 1905. 1 sheet, 4 pages. WJ orders a new (tennis ?) racket for Aleck, who has broken his. WJ advises Aleck to take care of his racket, for "A good player at any game keeps his tols with the utmost care." WJ also encourages A. to do his "very best" at his lessons, using especially "the writing method."
• WJ1u.i—two items on this page, postcards, both of which are now loose. The first is addressed to Mr. A. R. James, Camp Portanimicut, Sourth Orleans, Mass It was cancelled at Cambridge Station and at Boston and a third place. Only the Boston mark is legible: Boston Mass Jul 25 1905 3-PM. Note tells of Peggy’s return and where to send mail during an upcoming trip to "Hurricane (Essex County) N.Y." WJ dated the note "Cambr. July 25.
• WJ1u.ii is addressed to Mr. A.R. James, Camp Port Portanimicut, South Orleans, Mass. The card is cancelled twice. One the Hurricane NY Aug 2 1905 stamp is legible. The note on the card is dated "Hurricane (Essex Co.), N.Y., Aug 1." Encourages Aleck to keep studying hard his Latin "syntax (swine tax)" and urges him to press ahead.
• WJ1v.i—two items on this page, postcards, both of which are now loose. The first is addressed to A.R. James, Camp Portanimicut, South Orleans, Mass. The card was cancelled at Cambridge Station and Boston and a third place not legible. The Boston stamp is the legible one and reads: Boston Mass Aug 10 1905 12-M. Note dated Cambridge, Aug. 10. Note records WJ and AJ’s "active life" and urges Aleck to study hard via mention of his "swim bladder" (cf WJ1u.ii).
• WJ1v.ii—addressed to A.R. James, Camp Portanimicut, South Orleans, Mass and is cancelled three times: Cambridge Station, Boston Mass Aug 18 1905 2-AM, and South Orleans Mass Aug 18 1905. Note is dated Cambr. Aug 17. 9 P. M. Back from Ridgefield with "bad colds." Other notes on family, including a house repair.
• WJ1w—letter to "Dearest A," dated Grand Canyon January 4, 1906. 1 page.
The letter is written on the back of a page from a magazine or a tourist flyer, with a picture of and text describing a "Hopi House." In the letter WJ describes his visit to the Hopi house, which was "most delicious."
• WJ1x—letter to "Beloved Aleck," dated December 7, 1906 from Santa Barbara, CA, on letterhead of "The Arlington." 1 sheet, 2 pages. Note on the top, not in WJ’s hand, "Seems to be wrongly dated—Probably sh’d be Jan 7—1906" and then in a different hand (?) "1905?". On the natural beauty of the region. Note that he sent home eucalyptus leaves, which would remind Aleck and his mother "of old times." Also jokes about an enclosed photo, which he could show to everyone except AHGJ, who would get jealous.
• WJ1y—letter to "Darling Aleck," dated March 5, 1906, on Stanford University letterhead. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Envelope addressed to "Mr. A.R. James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass. Cancelled twice. One stamp legible: Stanford University Cal Mar 6 11AM 1906. WJ writes of the bad weather, his bad toe, and the few nice days, including the one on which the letter was written. General details of a lovely trip into the "beautiful, beautiful hills." Few words on his lecture duty, which was adjusted from 3 to 2 lectures.
• WJ1z—letter to "Beloved Aleck," dated June 17, 1908 from Bibury. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Envelope addressed to "Alexander R. James Esq, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge (Mass), U.S. of A." Gives Aleck, who is facing exams, confidence. Tells his son that whether he passes all or none, the quicker he forgets them the better, for "they are not the whole of life, tho they tend to become so in overcivilized communities." Notes on Oxford pedagogical culture, elevating the tutors and deprecating the professors, who merely have to "empty his own gas-bag." Sports at Oxford. "Pastoral peace" of England and of its weather. Notes that "I enclose some views" of England (?), which are on the following page of the album. These have the numbers WJ1zi, postcard of "The River Coln at Bilbury" and WJ1zii, postcard of "The Swan Hotel & Gardens, Bilbury". Neither card is attached any longer to its place on this page.
• WJ1aa—letter to "Sweet old Tweedy" on the letterhead of the Adirondack Lodge, dated June 25th 27th, 1898. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Envelope addressed to Mr John Robertson James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass. Adirondack Lodge envelope. Three cancellations, none legible. WJ represents himself, away from home without his wife, "like a sheep without a shepherd, like a dove without a mate." Anecdotes regarding his daily activities.
• WJ1ab—letter to "Dearest Aleck" on Lamb House letterhead, dated August 9, 1908. 1 sheet, 2 pages. WJ works to make the best of what must have been a bad situation for Aleck: his moving to England for school because "B & N’s school has gone stale upon you, and that some change from that is imperative." No school in the United States, WJ argues, compares "whatsoever with Oxford." Encourages Aleck’s drawing and painting.
• WJ1ac—letter to "Dearest Aleck" dated "Rye, Aug 19. 08." 1 sheet, 4 pages. Envelope addressed to Mr. A. R. James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge (Mass.), U.S. of A. Front of envelope only attached. One cancellation: Rye Aug 19 08 legible.
• WJ1ad—letter to "Dear Friese" dated August 30, 1908. On American Hotel, Amsterdam, letterhead. 3 sheets, 6 pages. First sheet is a letter from AHGJ. Second sheet is from WJ. Last sheet, last two pages, contain a letter from AHGJ. Written when Aleck had been at-sea for two days, traveling to England. AHGJ sets an agenda for Aleck on his arrival, which she anticipates with enthusiasm. Gives notes on Peggy’s activities.
• WJ1ae—postcard without a greeting, addressed to "A.R. James, esq, c/o A.L. Smith Esq, Mansfield Road, Oxford. One cancellation: London.W.C. 5.45PM OC 3 08. Written from "Charing X Hotel, Saturday P.M." Short note updating Aleck on WJ’s whereabouts and noting that they miss him. postcard unattached to album.
• WJ1af—letter addressed to "Beloved Aleck" on R.M.S. Saxonia letterhead and dated "Wednesday a.m." 1sheet, 4 pages. Front side of envelope included, addressed to: Mr. A.R. James, care of A.L. Smith, Esq, Mansfield Road, Oxford. Letter responds to "Your homesick epistle." WJ addresses Aleck’s homesickness with a few words on English manners, which A. evidently read as indifference to him on the part of the Smiths, which in Smith, WJ writes, is "extreme." Advises A. how to understand the English and integrate oneself with them as an American, not as an imitator of English form. In this way, "they will relish you all the more for your strangeness."
• WJ1ag—letter addressed to "Darling Aleck," on 95 Irving Street letterhead, dated Oct 17th, 6.30 AM. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Front of an envelope included: return address as "England" and addressed to Mr. Alexander James, King’s Mound, Mansfield Road, Oxford. Letter informs Aleck that the WJ group has arrived home safely after a rough trip, Peggy being sick the whole voyage, but not WJ or AHGJ. Lets Aleck know how much his homesickness is on their minds. Assures Aleck that the bad feeling is only temporary. How WJ "expected to see you at the house" when he returned from the wharf, "+ Peggy and I shed tears over the absence of the dear boy who was always so willing to perform any service. . . ."
• WJ1ah—letter to "Beloved Aleck," dated "Salter’s Hill Top. Oct 29. 08." 2 sheets, 4 pages. Envelope: return address "England !"; addressed to Mr. A. R. James, King’s Mound, Mansfield Road, Oxford. 3 cancellations—2 front, 1 back. 1 front partially legible: Silv [. . . ] Oct 29 P.M. 1908 N.H. back: Oxford 9.15PM Nov 7 08. Notes on back: "Hugo Kisser" and "A. Gustave Vind". Letter gives general news on WJ’s moves between Salter’s and Cambridge and other events, including his attendance at Charles Eliot Norton’s funeral, to which he traveled on Oct 22. How the changing foliage is "scary, in its feminine enunciation and delicacy" in relation to English scenery. Aleck seems to over his homesickness. Advises A. "as far as your will can decide things" "to sink yourself as deeply and unreservedly in the life around you as you can. . . . Go in for ‘protective coloration’ after the fashion of your uncle Henry, and you’ll forget that you have an american home, as far as possible. You’ll get enough of it when you get back to it!"
• WJ1ai—letter to "Beloved Alexander," dated Nov 8. 1908, on 95 Irving Street letterhead. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front side of envelope: return address: "England"; addressed to Mr. A. R. James, the King’s Mound, Mansfield Road, Oxford. Two cancellations, one partially legible: Cambridge Nov 8 [ ]PM 1908 Mass. Aleck getting "better and better adapted to your new environment." A singer, Mrs. Kate Hooker, visiting 95 Irving. WJ repeating his Oxford lectures to huge, overflow, audiences. Peggy back at Bryn Mawr. Harvard President Eliot’s resignation.
• WJ1aj—letter to "Beloved Aleck," dated Cambridge Nov 26. 08. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front of envelope included, addressed: Mr. A. R. James, The King’s Mound, Mansfield Road, Oxford. Return address: England. Two cancellation marks: an American flag and a stamp, Cambridge Nov 26 5-PM 1908 MASS. Letter written on Thanksgiving Day. Peggy on her way to visit "the great Edison’s in New Jersey." WJ’s worry and treatment for "my aorta." Harvard’s win in football over Yale. Other events in and around Harvard. Funny story about Rooselvelt (TR), Geo. Washington, and Lincoln at the Gate of Heaven. Joke pivots on TR’s egoism.
• WJ1ak—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated Nov 27. 08, on 95 Irving Street stationary. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front side of envelope included. Addressed: Mr. A.R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford, England. No return address on front. Two cancellation marks legible: one American flag and a stamp: Cambridge Nov 30 2-AM 1908 MASS. Responds to Aleck’s letter, which "just arrived." WJ advises Aleck on the proper duration of A’s Christmas holiday, so A. will not miss too much time studying. Encourages A. to "take more exercise in the form of games." Encourages him too to immerse himself in English ways: "It isn’t as if you were a duffer—you’ll profit by every english thing you enter into." Letter is filled with other nuggets of fatherly advice that seems exemplary of WJ’s notion of American manhood.
• WJ1al—letter to "Darling Friese," dated, "House, Sunday Nov 29th" from AHGJ. 6 pages, 3 (?) sheets. No envelope in the album. Letter brings Aleck into the household of the moment, sending him love and the most recent comments and questions (eg. "Daddy said at dinner today . . ."). Motherly advice that Aleck should be "a joy and a comfort to the Smith family." Reminds him not to be like so many Americans, who disparage all things English. Encourages A. to "try to identify yourself with the family where we have placed you and make the needful effort as a part of what must inevitably be a strenuous year." Suspects that HJ will invite him for a week or ten days: "you must not be afraid of talking and entertaining him. His distressed manner does not mean that you are causing him pain." Closes: "Good night, dear Francis, From you loving Mother."
• WJ1am—letter in pencil to "Dear Aleck," dated, "At Geo. Dorr’s, Harbor, Dec 5. 08." 1 sheet, 2 sides. Front side of the envelope included, addressed: Mr. A. R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford, England. Two cancellation stamps: an American flag and BAR HARBOR, Dec 7, 3-PM, 1908, ME. WJ at Dorr’s to investigate spiritual phenomena. Weather information for his trip. Family gossip.
• WJ1an—letter to "Darling Aleck," on 95 Irving St. letterhead, dated Jan 19. 09. 3 sheets, 6 sides. Two cancellation marks: one barely legible American flag; one stamp, with only the following legible: JAN , 10P, 19, MA. Letter responds to Aleck’s declaration of "your career and fate." ThE declaration that he would leave school in England and consider "the alternative between HU and some almost immediate entrance into practical life." WJ supports strongly A’s taking charge of his life. Yet he does not agree with A. that Harvard and practical life need be at odds. WJ offers alternatives and advice that "your dream of immediately tumbling into any opening that might offer in the west is unwise." Encourages consideration of the practical value of university course work. A’s declaration has thrown the family "topsy-turvy." Latin, evidently, was extremely difficult for and unliked by Aleck. Ends: "Take heart, dear old boy, we all believe in you and your future, and are proud of the letter you wrote. Your loving Dad.
• WJ1ao—letter to "Dearest Aleck," on 95 Irving St. letterhead, dated Jan 27th .09. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Front of envelope included (tear on top left): addressed: Mr. A. R. James, the King’s Mound, Oxford, England. Purple rubber stamped return address [tear]mes, 95 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass. Two cancellation marks: an American flag and a stamp: CAMBRIDGE, Jan 28, 1-AM, 1909, MASS. Sends a bill to Aleck for payment. Promises that A. won’t "get pauperized." More support for Aleck’s decision to leave Oxford and for him as a person.
• WJ1ap—letter to "Darling Aleck," on 95 Irving St. letterhead, dated Fe. 28. 09. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front of envelope included: addressed to Mr. A. R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford. England written across the top of the envelope. Two cancellation marks: American flag and a stamp: CAMBRIDGE, MAR 1, 2-AM, 1909, MASS. Letter addresses A’s investigation of Harvard admission. Implication that A. has written to Bill, at least, of a plan to spend a year painting. Possibility that A. will leave the Smiths immediately for Switzerland, if he should so prefer.
• WJ1aq—letter to "Dearest Aleck," dated March 1st. "1909" added in pencil. Front side of an envelope included: addressed: Mr. A.R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford. England written across the top center of the envelope. Three cancellation marks; two legible: an American flag, and CAMBRIDGE, MAR 1, 3-PM, 1909, MASS. 1 sheet, 3 pages. Clarifies Feb 28 letter by putting the choice of staying in Oxford or going to Switzerland in A’s hands and offering support for either choice. The new plan is for Aleck to cable "Switzerland" if he plans to leave, then leave the Smiths, and go to HJ’s house "to await developments." WJ offers this sequence: "1. Done with Smiths 2. Ready for Switz?"
• WJ1ar—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated March 7. 09, on 95 Irving St. letterhead. 2 sheets (?), 8 pages. Pages numbered in pencil both in the top center of each and then in the upper right of what may be each sheet. Front of envelope included, with top edge cut. Addressed to "A. R. James Esq, The King’s Mound, Oxford, England. Two cancellations: American flag and a stamp: C[ ]E, MAR 7, 10-PM, 1909, MASS. WJ encourages and supports Aleck’s decision to try painting. Aleck will leave the Smiths when he is ready and go to HJ’s. Reinforces earlier letters that the year painting could never be considered wasted. Sends money and promises that his letter to Smith "won’t compromise you."
• WJ1as—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated March 7. 09, on 95 Irving St. letterhead. 1 sheet, 1 page. Front of envelope included: addressed to Mr. A.R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford, England. Two cancellations marks: an American flag and a stamp: CAMBRIDGE, MAR 7, 10-PM, MASS. The letter in WJ1ar was mailed without the check, which WJ writes "will go tomorrow." Sentence on the contemporary activity of "your ma and Peggy" (who were preparing dinner in the kitchen).
• WJ1at—note to "Dearest Aleck," dated Cambridge March 8. 09, on a folded card. 1 sheet, 1 page. "Here is the money which I announced to you yesterday."
• WJ1au—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated March 19. 09, on 95 Irving St. letterhead. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front of envelope: A.R. James, Esq, Lamb House, Rye, Engla[ ]. Right side of envelope cut. Responds to A’s letter of March 10, in which he evidently complained that others were controlling his fate. The problem, WJ concludes, is that there has been too much room in the communications "for imagination to work in—both ways indeed." Ends to section: "I’m awfully glad you’re coming home!"
• WJ1av—2 sheets, 2 pages. Letterhead from Stonehurst, Intervale, N.H. Appear from WJ’s inscription to be lecture notes from a series of talks by John La Farge in NY in 1908.
WJ2—Newspaper sections contained in an envelope (approx. 8 & 1/2; x 11 & 1/2;) from Peter A. Juley & Son, New York. Two lists on the envelope (apparently its contents). Also, in red, ’91 in the upper right and, next to each item, either a checkmark or "missing" in red. First list: Dad’s (1842-1910)—Hair and newspaper of Oct 1. 1842 [NB. The hair and paper were in the folder when I received it. I returned both to Bay James via Peter Walker on July 30.] (black checkmark and red checkmark follow); A.J. (Hair) Also copy of The Nation of Dec 17, 1890 and Newspaper of Dec 22 1890 (black and red checkmarks follow); Photo of HJ Senior (Grandfather) (missing noted in red); Also other odd items—. The second list, in a different hand, follows: lock of Dr. Dan L. Gibben’s hair (missing-in red); Letter fr. Harry James referring to A.J. as a baby; very early drawing + water color by AJ (missing-in red); Alec’s baby hair. Harry writes, "Why should Alec have ‘curls’ + the rest of us only ‘hair’? [NB I returned this box with the Harry’s note to Bay James via Peter Walker on July 30. There were three locks in the box, not one.]; Snapshots of Rye + Chocurua, from Peggy’s scrap book (missing-in red).
• WJ2a—first 8 pages of The Boston Post for Monday Morning, December 22, 1890. Written above the banner head "Post" in pencil is "Birthday of 5th Child"
• WJ2b--The Nation (vol. LI, no. 1330), Thursday, December 25, 1890, i-vi, and 491-512. Written above the banner head "The" in pencil is "Week in which 5th Child was born." (This number also contains a review of HJ’s The Tragic Muse.)
WJ3—Oval black and white photograph, approx. 3 & 1/2; in. x 5 in. centered on a 7 in. x 9 & 1/2; in. paper in a 9 5/8 in. x 17 & 1/4;, tri-fold grey sleeve. The photograph is remarkable for its depth and the intensity of WJ’s gaze, which peers slightly down at the viewer. Probably c. 1901. Outside right flap inscribed: Vachy (?) Bros., Cambridge, Mass.
WJ4—The items in WJ3 were contained in a 7 & 1/2; in. x 5 5/16 in. envelope labeled "W.J. covers" in what may be Mickey James’s hand.
• WJ4a—envelope addressed to Monsieur Thomas S. Perry, 9. Avenue de la Bourdonnais, Paris, France. Printed return address: William James, 95 Irving St., Cambridge Station, BOSTON, MASS. Two cancellation marks on the front: an American flag and a stamp: BOSTON, APR 2, 10-PM, 1907, MASS. Once cancellation stamp on the back: 9 PARIS, 9*, 12-6, 07, DISTRI[ ].
• WJ4b—envelope addressed to Monsieur T. S. Perry, Givèrny, par Vernon (Eure), France. No return address. Three cancellation marks on the front: one illegible; SILV[ ], JUN, 24, P.M., 1907, N.H.; BOSTON, JUN 25, 2 PM, MASS. One stamp on the back: VERNON, 6, 5-7, 07, EURE.
• WJ4c—envelope addressed to Mrs. Whitman, Thomas’s Hotel, Berkeley Square, London, W. One cancellation: EDINBURGH, 10 30 PM, JU 4, 02, 13.
• WJ4d—envelope addressed to Monsieur T. S. Perry, 41, Avenue de la Bourdonnais, Paris. France written at top center. One cancellation: CAMBRIDGE, MAR [ ], 1-AM, 1909, MASS. "Keep me informed of more titles in military psychology—I can see a good possible book there" written by WJ on the back flap. This envelope was contained in 6 7/16 in x 3 5/8 in. envelope, with "W.J. cover to letter to T. S. Perry—written on the front.
• WJ4e—envelope addressed to: Monsieur T. S. Perry, à Givèrny, par Vernon (Eure), France. Cancellation stamp on front illegible except for "[ ]INCOLN. Cancellation on back: VERNON, 8, 12-8, 07, EURE.
• WJ4f—envelope addressed to: Mrs. Henry Whitman, Hotel de France et de Choiseul, Paris. Envelope bears an embossed orange-red stamp of the Charing Cross Hotel on the flap. Cancellation stamp on the front: LONDON. W.C., 7.20PM, AP 17, 02, 42. "S9" written in blue pencil on the front. Stamp on back illegible.
• WJ4g—envelope addressed to: Thos. S. Perry Esq, 312 Marlborough Street, Boston, V. St. v. A. Street address struck out in pencil. "Hancock N. H." written in. Cancellation stamp on front, much illegible except: BAD NAUHIEM, [ ], e. Cancellation on back: HANCOCK, N.H., JUN, 1 [?], [ ], 1910, REC’D.
WJ5—The items in WJ2 were contained in a 3 5/8 in. x 5 5/8 in. envelope, found in HJ1. The envelope is labeled "W. James Autographs" in pencil.
• WJ5a—card to "Dear Madam, dated Cambridge, Jan 18, 1909, with "Miss Ayer" written in pencil in the lower left corner in WJ’s hand. This is a form card, which WJ must have used to decline invitations to speak.
• WJ5b, c, d—WJ’s signatures, which have been removed from checks.
WJ6—The items in WJ6 were contained in a 6 & 1/2; in. x 3 5/8 in. envelope, which is labeled "Post Cards" in red pencil, circled in blue pencil. Below that label, in blue ink: "from W.J. to Alec"
• WJ6a—postcard to "Dearest Tweedy" addressed to Mr. Cherubini James, Care of W. M. Salter, Silver Lake, N. H.; 95 Irving St. Cambridge, Mass; Silver Lake, N. H. 7 cancellation stamps, 5 front: WAWONA, AUG 24, 1898, CAL; SILVERLAKE, AUG, 31, 1898, N.H., SILVERLAKE, SEP 31, 1898, N.H.; BOSTON. MASS. SEP 2[?], 9 P.M., 1898; RECEIVED, 5. 2 back, over WJ’s note: BOSTON, SEP 4, 4 AM, 1898, MASS; CAMBRIDGE, RECEIVED, STATION. WJ’s note outlines his camping trip in California, notes on the "tremendous" trees, riding horses, the stars at night.
• WJ6b—postcard addressed to Master Tweedy James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, (Mass.), Stati Uniti di A. 6 postmarks on the front: 2--FIRENDE, 15, 8-01, 7S, FERROVIA; BOSTON, Mar 27, 8-AM, 1901, MASS.; RECEIVED 3; BOSTON, MAR 27, 10-30A, 1901, MASS.; and an American flag stamp with CAMBRIDGE STATION in the space on the flag where the stars would be. Message side of the card is a photo of Perugia and a message, dated "Florence, Mch. 15" tells Aleck that they are now in Florence, "about 4,000 miles off," gives a few words about Florence, and hopes "that you work well, play well, eat well, with long chewing, + tell the truth."
• WJ6c—addressed to: A. R. James, 95 Irving St., Cambridge (Mass), Stati Uniti di A. Four cancellation stamps: two from Orvieto mostly illegible; an American flag stamp with CAMBRIDGE STATION in the space on the flag where the stars would be; BOSTON, MAY 15, 6-30A, 1905, MASS. Reverse side offers a photo captioned: 5074 Alterocca-Terni Orvieto—Pozzo di S. Patrizio. Short note beneath photo on the well pictured.
• WJ6d—postcard to "Dear Aleck" dated March 28. Addressed to: A. R. James Esq, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass, Stati Uniti, di America. Italian cancellation stamp illegible. An American flag stamp with CAMBRIDGE STATION in the space on the flag where the stars would be; and BOSTON, APR 12, 7-AM, 1905, MASS. Reverse is a colored photograph or an illustration captioned "Marina di Mitromania" and "Capri." Short note telling Aleck that WJ had met in Capri "Mr. Warren + Machado [?]" Also asserts "You ought to see this bully place."
• WJ6e—postcard addressed to "Mrs. Wm James, 95 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass. One cancellation stamp: CHOCURUA, OCT, 19, 7AM, 190[ ], N.H. WJ heads his note, "Sunday Hill-Top noon. Exuberant note on the beauty of the NH fall countryside: "I am so glad I came up here! I never saw the country so sentimentally beautiful—entirely incommensurable with anything in England, and therefore not to be compared. Morbid, frail, transparent, secret, like a victim of some kind of feminity [sic](--like me! for example!) The trees hold all their fire, gold, green, + scarlet. The air is smoke-hazed, there is no wind, no people, no sound." Etc.
• WJ6f—postcard addressed to Mr. A. R. James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass, U. S. of. A. Once Greek cancellation on picture side of card: ATHENA (in Greek letters), 26 MAPT (in Greek letters), [ ], 05. Two cancellations on address side: American flag with CAMBRIDGE STATION in what would be the flag’s star field; also, BOSTON APR 2[ ], [ ]-AM, 1905, MASS. Black and white photograph of the Temple of Theseus in Athens. Message dated April 7. "This is the place to learn Greek history—you can’t help longing to know more about it. The cleverest people that ever lived, + the highest spirited."
• WJ6g—sepia tone photograph of a reclining and regal lion. Embossed stamp in lower right: Gaetano Feo, Roma, 131 Via Sistina. No date. Reverse note in pencil is worth giving here in its entirety because it characterizes so accurately the tenor of WJ father through these papers: "Sweet Old Tweedy—Guess what I’ve got!—a tame young lion! His name is Tiberius, and he licks my hand. He was born on the Tiber, and I’m going to bring him home by the Southern route. I hope he’ll live; they are very delicate. He eats mush. He cost only $100. Won’t he scare people who come to the house! This is him. W.J."
WJ7a-f—These items were contained in a 7 & 1/4; in. x 5 & 1/4; in. envelope labeled in blue ink "W.J. (Death Bed)" probably in Mickey James’s hand. There are 6 photos, which duplicate those in MJ1a,b. 3 duplicate MJ1a and three MJ1b.
WJ8—These items were contained in a 9 & 1/2; in. x 4 1/8 in. envelope labeled "WJ Cancelled Checks in Mickey James’s hand. Each of the checks has holes punched, which may, like a tear, remove letters from a name. The checks are listed in the order in which they were in the envelope.
• WJ8a—check no. 496, dated June 20, 1907, for $2.55, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Hildegarde H[ ]rdenbergh.
• WJ8b—check no. 500, dated July 1, 1907, for $50.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Joseph H. Pratt, M.D.
• WJ8c—check no. 143, dated April 10, 1898, for $150.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to W.J. for E.P.G., signed "Wm. James Agent"
• WJ8d—check no. 468, dated June 3, 1907, for $18.75, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Watson and Rivinius
• WJ8e—check no. 98, dated Feb 9, 1897, for $150.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to W.J. for E.P.G, signed "Wm. James Agent."
• WJ8f—check no. 471, dated June 3, 1907, for $150.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Self.
• WJ8g—check no. 497, dated June 28, 1907, for $100.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Self.
• WJ8h—check no. 383, dated June 28, 1909, for $81.40, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to H. O. Houghton + Co
• WJ8i—check no. 470, dated June 3, 1907, for $5.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Wm. C. [Le]gendre treasr. (See stamp on reverse)
• WJ8j—check no. 134, dated Jan 7, 1898, for $300.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Brown Brothers + Co.
• WJ8k—check no. 139, dated Feb. 19, 1898, for $23.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to W.J., signed "Wm James Agent"
• WJ8l—check no. 469, dated June 3, 1907, for $5.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Florence Ch[ ]ndler Publisher.
• WJ8m—check no. 467, dated June 2, 1907, for $5.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Charles Lowell Barlow.
WJjr1a—card to "Dear William," addressed to William James, Otis Place, from 191 Commonwealth Avenue. 1 card, 2 sides. Note seems to address the 70th birthday fiasco and pledges, "It will be done as your uncle wishes." Note may be from Henry L. Higginson. This item was held in HJ1.
Photos 1—items were contained in an 11 & 3/4; in. x 9 in. file folder.
• Photos 1a—6 3/8 in. x 4 3/8 in. black and white photograph labeled in pencil "H.J. + W.J. (circa 1888). Mounted on a piece of gray board 10 in. x 8 in. The photo is a lovely picture of the two boys
• Photos 1b—5 & 1/2; in. x 5 5/8 in. black and white photo of H.J. Marked "E.O. Hoppé in the lower right. Mounted on 5 13/16 in. x 6 & 1/2; in. brown paper with "MILLAIS HOUSE, SOUTH KENSINGTON" stamped on the lower left. Photo and paper mounted on 9 & 3/4; in. x 11 5/8 in. brown light board. Reverse stamped: HOPPÉ, 7 CROMWELL PLACE, SOUTH KENSINGTON, No. 1576A, with the number having been written in pencil. A beautiful and highly sculptural bust-photograph of HJ.
• AHGJ1a—Western Union Cablegram, addressed to James Rokinstitute, dated London Jan 10-Jan 11, 1916. 1053 Third Avenue (Rockefeller Inst.) stamp. Text: "MENTAL OBSCURATION INCREASING PARLYSIS NOT IMPROVING OUTLOOD GLOOMY." signed "JAMES" Pencil note in upper right "1916". Pencil note across bottom: "To which I replied asking "Had I not better come over now?"
• AHGJ1b—Western Union Cablegram, addressed to James Rokinstitute NewYork, dated London Jan 13, 1916. Pencil line following "Received at" space: 1053 3 Ave NY. Green receipt stamp: Jan 13 1916. Text: "ADVISE AGAINST SAILING UNLESS PREPARED TO STAY POSSIBLY WEEKS HENRY HAS RALLIED SLIGHTLY." signed "JAMES"
• AHGJ1c—Western Union Cablegram, addressed to Kames (sic) Rokstituteny, dated Jan 14, 1916. 1053 Third Avenue (Rockefeller Inst.) stamp. Text: "CONDITION STEADILYDETERIORATING MENTALLY
• AHGJ1d—newspaper clipping marked in AHGJ’s hand "Post [of London?]. Feb 29th 1916. "Death of Mr. Henry James." 1 column the full length of the page. Margin indicates that it would be the last column on the right.
• AHGJ1e—newspaper clipping containing two notices of HJ’s death. "A Rye Novelist" is the main title. "Death of Mr. Henry James" leads one notice; "An Appreciation of the Late Mr. Henry James, O.M." leads the other. AHGJ wrote at the bottom of each notice its author. Following the first: "G.L. Deaun" (?); and the second "Mrs. Deio Fuilth" (?). The notices suggest that the clipping came from a Rye newspaper. The "Appreciation" offers glimpses of HJ in Rye. Emphasis on kindness, generosity. 1 column nearly the full length of the page. Margin indicates that it would be the last column on the right.
• AHGJ1f—newspaper clipping from The Times, dated Tuesday, February 29, 1916. In ink at the top of the clipping, in what may be AHGJ’s hand, "For A.R.J." and "By Percy Lubbock." The clipping is titled "Henry James, O.M.: The Man and the Artist." 1 and 1/3 columns from the middle of the page.
• AHGJ1g—newspaper clipping, source not marked. "Death of Mr. Henry James, O.M." About 2 & 3/4; in. long. Notice concludes, however, with "An appreciation of the great novelist and his work will be found on page 9," which may, according to the type face, be item AHGJ1h.
• AHGJ1h—newspaper clipping, approx. 7 & 3/4; in., "The Funeral of Henry James." Signed by Edmund Gosse. Written as a letter to the editor, the column focuses on HJ as "soldier" and "hero" on behalf of the British and their war effort.
• AHGJ1i—newspaper clipping, approx. 2 & 1/2; in., "The Late Henry James," responds to Gosse’s letter (item AHGJ1h). The writer, T. Bailey Saunders, like Gosse present at the funeral, notes that HJ told him that "The Altar of the Dead" was the story with which he was least dissatisfied. Clipping attached to a form from "The Temple Press Cutting Offices." and labelled Times, March 7, 1916.
• AHGJ1j—newspaper clipping, approx. 9 & 3/4; in., "Our London Correspondence: The Funeral of Henry James." Short list of those present. Much connecting of HJ and England in this, as in the other, notices. Partial clipping service form, but what’s present is just like that in AHGJ1i. Form offers the Manchester Guardian, March 4, 1916, as the source.
• AHGJ1k—letter to "Dear Mr. James," undated, from "Ethel Sands" on letterhead from "18 Chelsea Square, S.W. 3, Flaxman 0088." 2 sheets, 4 pages. This letter responds to one from the writer "via Reine Pitman." Letter implies that ES and the writer (Billy James?) knew each other years earlier, evidently ES was a caretaker for Peggy. Note that there were letters from HJ to "my mother." Mentions Ruth Draper’s (?) "broadcast on June 14th" and the appearance of "the first volume of Mr. Edel’s "Life" (pub. 1953). Also, the letter implies a series of questions having been asked: "I have no recollection at all of Mrs. Mason. Mrs Reubell I knew in Paris when I was an art-student." Other notes on individuals remembered as originals for HJ characters. "But you want to hear something about the real creatures who surrounded him!" ES knew Percy Lubbock, too. Letter implies that the writer was seeking letters. Also notes that she included Logan Pearsall Smith’s letter (item AHGJ1l).
• AHGJ1l—letter to "My dear Ethel," dated Feb. 29, 1916, from Logan Pearsall Smith, on 11 St. Leonard’s Terrace, Chelsea, S.W. letterhead. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Letter, written at the request of "Miss Peggie," informs ES of HJ’s death. "I feel as if a great cathedral had disappeared from the sky line, a great country with all its civilization been wiped from the map, a planet lost to the solar system." He was "like a great variable but constant mom."
• AHGJ1m—notes written in the first person on Ethel Sands’s letterhead, 18 Chelsea Square, S.W.3, Flaxman 0088 (see AHGJ1k). 1 sheet, 2 pages. undated. "H.J. copied by Mis Sands" in another hand across the top of the page. Perhaps "deathbed" dictation taken by ES and sent to Billy James with items AHGJ1k and AHGJ1l. Speaks of impending death "Valentine’s death-scene." States "However, we shen’t [sic] perish but live to tread a frimer & flowering soil." Also states his unhappiness with "Miss Robin’s [sic] hair, mais, que voulez vous. I can’t dress it!"
• AHGJ1n—list of notes in what appears to be AHGJ’s hand. 1 sheet, 1 page. Header on the list "1902-H.J."
• AHGJ1o—pencil draft of copy of a letter from AHGJ to Harry, who was traveling to England when HJ died. 3 sheets, 5 pages. Details of HJ’s last days, death, funeral, casting of death mask. Deeply moving and richly detailed. AHGJ is very generous in her gratitude toward others who helped during this most difficult time. Peggy deeply affected by HJ’s death.
AHGJ2—item in AHGJ2 was contained in a 12 in x 9 & 1/2; envelope addressed to Alexander R. James Esq., Dublin, N.H. Return address: Henry James, 10 East 10th St., N.Y.C. Two cancellation stamps: one illegible; second—NEW YORK, FEB 26, 530PM, MADISON SQ. STA., 1923. Three broken wax seals on the envelope flap. Each apparently stamped with an "HJ" impression. "Will of My Mother—, and apportionments" written above the addressee on the front, in pencil.
• AHGJ2a—Will and, enclosed in it, notes by Harry concerning the will’s execution. Preceding the will is a Feb. 23 memo by Harry about the inventory "schedule" that follows. The memo must have gone to the siblings. 2 pages of queries about Alec’s apportionment. 1 page "Things not scheduled." 1 page "Note as to Schedules" dated Feb. 23, 1923. The schedule and memos give a strong sense of Harry’s administrative style (decisive and humane and attentive to practical details, and of his administrative ability.
Will and notes contained in a folder labeled: "WILL of ALICE H. JAMES" and Dated October 22, 1919. Minny Kidd and Burgess Noakes, who worked for HJ, are listed as AHGJ’s servants and left $1,000 each. Sets up a trust for Peggy and then for her children. Henry is the will’s executor. Emily Sargent and Reine Ormond were the witnesses. Will itself is 9 pages. Following the will: "Memorandum as to Silver" dated January 12, 1923 (1 page); Inventory, with columns for "appraisal," "wanted by," "apportioned to," and "other dispositions." Harry’s (?) notes show that the appraised value was not what he saw as the actual value. "Memorandum as to China" dated January 12, 1923 follows p. 10 of Harry’s inventory chart. After the China memo, 16 more pages of inventory of 95 Irving Street follow. The inventory makes the virtual destruction of 95 Irving all the more poignant.
AHGJ3—items contained in an 11 & 3/4; in. x 9 in. file folder with the label "MRS WM JAMES" on the folder tab.
• AHGJ3a—items contained in a 6 & 1/2; in. x 3 5/8 in. envelope labeled "Copies of farewells A.H.J."
• AHGJ3ai—5 in. x 3 in. note paper with "H.J. obits" (in Mickey James’s hand?).
• AHGJ3aii—obit. titled "Widow of Prof. James" "Transcript—Sept 30" written in pencil at the top of the column.
• AHGJ3aiii—note to "Dear Edward Warren" dated Sept. 12, 1922. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Copy of a farewell, in which AHGJ gives EW Ginger bowls, which he had once admired. "Will you keep them to remember me by and like them better because they were my husbands choice as well as mine?"
• AHGJ3b—items contained in a 5 in. x 7 & 1/2; in. envelope titled in pencil "Farewells and precious remembrances of Mamma."
• AHGJ3bi—copy of a letter to "Dear Mr. James,—" dated Dec. 2, 1922. Typed. From John H. Taylor. Asks for a time when he might exchange the souvenir of AHGJ for something else, "that will more plainly show forth the reasons for its existence."
• AHGJ3bii—poem "To John Maxson Stillman [?] In [illegible] of Good Cheer." 1 sheet, 1 page. On Stanford University letterhead. By David Starr Jordan."
• AHGJ3biii—copy of letter to "Dear Rebecca [Dundas]" dated Sept. 13. 22. 2 sheets 3 pages. On letterhead: Mrs. William James, 95 Iriving Street, Cambridge, Mass." Asks RD to travel to the US to work for either Billy in Cambridge or Aleck in Dublin. States that RD would be a comfort to "my children and their wives that you were to us." Leaves $500 "in grateful recognition of all your generous service in the old happy days when you helped me through."
• AHGJ3biv—copy of a letter to "Dear Grace" dated Sept. 14. 1 sheet, 2 pages. "Mrs. Charles W. Eliot" written in the top left corner. Letter in full: "I cannot go away without a massage of love to yo and the president. From that first summer after William’s death you and he have held out strong and comforting and in more ways than you may imagine taught me how to take hold of life again. Will you take a message of love and farewell to all the B’s. I had hoped for the first autumn meeting here. Much love, dear Grace, to you and Mr Eliot from your devoted friend"
• AHGJ3c—note to "My dear Mrs James" from Dallas D.L McGrew, dated November 26. 1902. 1 sheet, 1 page. Accepts AHGJ’s invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. On the reverse, in AHGJ’s hand: "Francis had pasted this onto my looking-glass that he might adore the precious Ulie [?]. He brushes his hair now as McGrew did, up from his forehead. He grows handsome."
• AHGJ3d—letter to "Dear Aleck." from AHGJ, dated "Home. June 2, 1919. Family notes about A’s grandchildren, plans, desire to have more time to read, recent visitors, plans—including going "tomorrow morning to buy a Ford" [PS notes: "Tuesday a.m. I have bought a Ford!"]
• AHGJ3e—letter to "Dear Billy," dated Aug. 7 1913, on mourning stationary from 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Her appreciation of Jerome Greene, whose visit to A. appreciated because "he took the kindest care of me" for a day. Reports on her "perfect visit, a really delightful 6 days with the Eliots." Looks forward to seeing "you both and the boy."
• AHGJ3f—letter to "Darling Billy" from AHGJ dated July 3 1910. 4 sheets, 7 pages. Letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Tivoli, Lucerne. Envelope from the Grand Hotel addressed to: William James jr Esqre, 95 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass, U.S.A. Two cancellation stamps on the front: one illegible; the other, LUZER[ ], 3.VIII.10—10, BRF. EXP[ ]. Stamp on the back: Gd. Hotel Tivoli, LUCERNE, 3-JUL. 1910, [possibly another line, illegible]. Notes that that morning she had to care for HJ, who came to her "in one of his bad nervous hours." Notes on day to day events. That she and HJ could not make a steep climb to a tourist spot and on their return to the base of the hill, "inwardly I felt so miserably fettered by my heavy body, when behold, like a bird or some mountain goat . . . a Swiss youth of 18 or so alighted beside us." After a brief conversation, the young man left. But "He little dreamed how grateful I was to him for being young, and light and good. It didn’t really matter that I couldn’t climb the path since he could. What a long story to tell you but I have to make the best of all that comes my way for the cheer is meagre." How WJ and HJ "make a difficult combination." "Papa can’t walk and uncle Henry can’t smile." More on the difficult trip to Nauheim. WJ’s physical illness and HJ’s "sad pathway," which "is to be a long one, I fear." Speculations on the causes of their illnesses. Arrangements for their arrival at Quebec and after.
• AHGJ3g—envelope addressed to: Mrs William James, 18 Garden Street, Cambridge, Mass. Envelope from the Hotel Pocahontas, Gerrish Island, Kittery Point, ME. Two cancellation stamps on the front: one illegible; other PORTSMOUTH, JUN, 30, 2PM., N.H. One cancellation stamp on the back, mostly illegible: CAMBRIDGE ST[ ].
HJ1—items contained in an envelope, 4 & 3/4; in x 6 & 1/2; in, addressed to Mrs. William James, 95 Irving St., Cambridge Mass., U.S.A, in HJ’s hand. Three postmarks, none fully legible, all London, 9 March, 1915, 5.30PM. The envelope bears a penciled "23" following the "St." abbreviation.
• HJ1a—letter to "Dear Sir" dated January 21, 1915. 1 sheet, 3 pages. Envelope addressed to Henry James Esqre, 21 Carlyle Mansions, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, SW. Two postal stamps: Field Post Office T. 6., JA 22, 15; PASSED No. 1454 CENSOR. Pencil signature on the envelope. Letter thanks HJ for "your packet of Handkerchiefs" and his "kind letter." Much gratitude for support from the home front. Sentiment of righteousness for the Allied cause vs. "the tyrant."
• HJ1b—letter to "Dear Sir" dated Feb. 16, 1915. 1 sheet, 1 page. Return address on letter: 113A Tolworth Park Road, Surbiton. Envelope addressed to Henry James Esq, 21 Carlyle Mansions, Cheyne Walk, SW. One cancellation, partially legible: [ ]TON, SURREY, [ ]9 AM, 17 FE, 15. Letter from Sapper Thomas J Williams thanks HJ for helping him get his teeth fixed or false teeth.
• HJ1c—letter to "Dear Sir" dated Feb. 14, 1915. 1 sheet, 1 page. Return address on letter: H.M.S. Iron XXX, Grand Fleet. Envelope bears one cancellation stamp, partially legible: LONDON, 2 AM, 17 FE, 15. Also "PASSED BY CENSOR" stamp, with "S.W." pencilled over it. Letter signed by W. Kidd, who thanks HJ for his kindness in helping to make a recent 2-day stay in London.
• HJ1d—letter to "Sir: dated January 28, 1915. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Return address on letter: 1254 Arm. A. Claringbould, No 2 by. A. 6. Corps, H. M. Gun. Wharf, Devonport. Envelope addressed to Henry James Esq., 21 Carlyl [sic] Mansions, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. Two cancellations, neither fully legible, each DEVONPORT, 7.45PM, 28 JA, 15. Letter informs HJ of C’s new quarters, which he took up following a stay in London. C. gives a report of Devonport and its architecture, etc., but notes no progress with "this wretched nervous trouble." Hopes that "your complain [sic] is within still within check."
NB: two other items were in HJ1: a card addressed to Willim James Jr, Otis Place (this is now item WJjr1a, and and envelope labelled "W. James autographs, which contained items WJ2a, a card, and WJ2b-d, the signature lines from WJ checks.
HJ2—The items in HJ2 were held in an envelope 6 & 3/4; in. x 4 5/8 in., labeled "Correspondence Re Mrs Wharton’s 70th Birthday Gift to Uncle Henry." in Bill James’s hand.
• HJ2a—letter to "Dear Harry" from Henry L. Higginson, date March 27, 1913 on letterhead of Henry L. Higginson, 44 State Street, Boston. 1 sheet, 1 page. Letter is typed, with "SPECIAL DELIVERY" in the upper left of the letter. The letter informs Harry of Wharton’s plan to raise $5,000 "to give yoiur Uncle Harry something handsome on his birthday, and I believe it is to be a portait." HLH and Sturgis Bigelow, it seems, have been enlisted by EW. But one of those whom they approached, "a lady who knows him bery well and who is unusally keen" thinks it a bad idea. HLH thus writes to learn of Harry’s opinion. HLH invites Harry to call him over "a private telephone wire between our New York and Boston offices, over which you can talk to me."
• HJ2b—letter copy, in Bill James’s hand, addressed to "Dear Mr. James". 1 sheet, 3 pages. 12 Otis Place letterhead, on which the printed address is struck through and "56 Beacon St. Boston." is written. Dated 2-4-13. Letter by Sturgis Bigelow informs Bill that "some anonymous individual seems to have started a panic by evolving the idea that what was aimed at was a subscription to keep him out of a hypothetical poorhouse." He defends Wharton’s plan. Ends: "It looks to me as if somebody had gone off at half-cock by misunderstanding the situation and her intention.—Was it Howells?"
• HJ2c—note to "Dear Uncle George," on 12 Otis Place letterhead, dated April 8th 1913. 1 sheet, 1 page. Bill encloses "the two copies you asked for" and writes that aside from a note from Bigelow, he has heard nothing.
• HJ2d—letter copy, in Bill James’s hand, addressed to "Dear Dr. Bigelow," dated April 3rd 1913, on 12 Otis Place letterhead. 1 sheet, 3 pages. Bill explains that "my action" ended EW’s "friendly plan." Bill outlines how he informed HJ "gently" so that he could accept the plan, if he so chose. HJ responded thus by cable: "Immense thanks for warning. Taking instant prohibitive action. Please express to individuals approached my horror. Money absolutely returned."
• HJ2e—letter to "Dear Mr. James," dated March 1913, from Edith Wharton. Letter is not signed, but EW’s name is typed. "Dear" is typed on the greeting, and "Mr. James" is written in ink. This is the letter, marked "Private and confidential." that sets out the plan to raise the money for HJ’s 70th birthday gift.
• HJ2f—letter to "Dear Bill," dated 12 West 44th St., Mar. 27. 1 sheet, 1 page. From Harry James. Harry congratulates Bill for what "you did in this Wharton—H.J. matter." Notes that he has made a slight change in what must have been Bill’s draft cable to HJ, but writes that "your cable was good + I think it ought to go in your name."
• HJ2g—copy of a letter from HJ. "H.J. to George Abbot James" written at the head of the copy in a hand different from the copyist’s. Undated. 2 sheets, 6 pages. HJ tells GAJ that he has accepted "a piece of charming, but sufficiently modest, plate, a silver-gilt Golden Bow of the value (as has been revealed to me) of exactly fifty pounds" which 250 people subscribed for. The portrait named. HJ’s anxiety over the old plan, which would have demanded a large amount of money from relatively few people, and his satisfaction with the actual plan, which used a little money from many people. The issue seems to have been how much the few would have had to give.
• HJ2h—Letter from Henry L. Higginson to George A. James [52 Beacon Street], March 24, 1913, on HLH’s letterhead, 44 State Street, Boston. 1 sheet, 1 page. Letter solicits GAJ as a part of the Wharton fundraiser. HLH asks for $500, "but of course smaller sums would be equally welcome."
• HJ2i—copy of a letter to "Dear Mr. Higginson" from Harry, dated March 27. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Thanks HLH for informing him of the subscription "scheme." States that the plan "would embarrass him [HJ] profoundly." Mentions EW letter, item HJ2e. Notes HJ’s "dreary and depressing winter of illness" and remarks that a personal letter rather than signing a check would be more appreciated by him. Ends by questioning EW’s "instincts."
• HJ2j—copy of Bill’s cable to HJ informing him of EW’s plan.
• HJ2k—copy of a note from George Abbot James to Henry L. Higginson, dated Sunday, March 25th, 1913, addressed, "Dear Henry." GAJ thanks HLH for "your note of yesterday" (see item HJ2h), but declines, "wish[ing] to have no part."
HJ3—The items in HJ3 were contained in a 5 & 1/2; in. x 7 & 1/2; in. envelope, which was labeled "H.J." in red pencil, probably by Mickey James.
• HJ3a—"The Diary of a Man of Fifty" and "A Bundle of Letters" from Harper’s Half-Hour Series. Edel A14. First American Edition, issued simultaneously in paper (here) and cloth. Title page has "Sargent" written at the top, possibly by HJ.
• HJ3b—"The Lesson of the Master" and other Stories ("The Marriages," "The Pupil," "Brooksmith," "The Solution," "Sir Edmund Orme") from Heinemann and Balestier’s "The English Library" series (of which this is No. 135). Volume is broken and incomplete, with p. 160 being the last. Edel F1d. "Rose Lamb" written on the front cover in pencil.
HJ4—The items in HJ4 were contained in a letter-sized file folder, marked "HJ TO HARRY" on the tab.
• HJ4a—letter to "Dearest Harry," dated Feb. 16th, 1905, on letterhead from The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, FL. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Breakers Hotel envelope addressed to Henry James jr Esq., 95 Irving St., Cambridge Mass. Two cancellation stamps on the front: PALM BEACH, FEB [rest illegible]; other stamp illegible. Two cancellation stamps on the reverse: BOSTON, FEB 20, 7-AM, 1905, MASS.; American flag stamp with what must be CAMBRIDGE STATION in the star field. List of names in pencil on the back—not in HJ’s hand. Notes that he encloses a letter meant for Harry and that he is very busy and about to leave for St. Augustine.
• HJ4b—letter to "Dearest Harry," dated May 23rd . 1 sheet, 2 pages. Mourning stationary from 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. HJ is relieved that Harry is with AHGJ, whom HJ talked to this morning by telephone. Wishes Harry and Peg and Alice a better and restorative day to come. "The angel Theodate" [Pope?] to take him to New Haven by car to see Yale.
• HJ4c—letter to "Dearest Harry," dated "Friday a.m." from Nahant. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Mourning stationary from 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 95 Irving Street and Cambridge are struck through. HJ discovers that he has money in a savings bank, apparently found or located by Harry. HJ now feels "renewed" in his "energy for fighting out my situations on the right lines." For "the thing is always to pick myself up for more continuity". Hopes that Harry’s stay with Alice and Aleck will have been a "boon" to all three.
• HJ4d—card to "Dearest Aleck," dated October 18th, 1908. 1 card, 2 sides. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. printed header (same as contemp. letterhead). Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. Two cancellation stamps on the front: RYE, 6.PM
OC 18, 08; and RYE, 6.PM, [ ] 18 [rest illegible]. One cancellation stamp on the back: OXFORD, 945AM, OC 19, 08. Message on card supplements a wire sent by HJ to Alec the previous day. Gives details of the arrival of the Saxania (on which WJ, AHGJ, and Peg returned to the U.S.), encourages A. to "bear bravely up" and plans to visit him "somewhere about the 9th." Alec is just now on his own in Oxford and very homesick.
• HJ4e—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated Oct: 18 20th, 1908. 1 card, 2 sides. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. printed header (same as contemp. letterhead). Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. Two cancellation stamps on the front: RYE, 9.15AM, OC 21, 08; RYE 9.15 AM, OC 21, 08. One stamp on the back: OXFORD, 6. PM, OC 2[ ], 08. Thanks A. for "your brave little letter" and notes his delight "with your good spirits." Implies that A. is delaying his coming to Rye and puts off HJ from coming to see him. Encourages him to "bear up" under his stressful circumstances (with the Smiths). Asks for news from the WJ family.
• HJ4f—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated Oct. 26th, 1918. 2 cards, 4 sides. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. printed header (same as contemp. letterhead). Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. One cancellation stamp on the front: RYE, 7. PM, OC 26, 08. One cancellation stamp on the back: [ ]ord, [ ]AM, OC 27, 08. Thanks A. for his letter and for "your mother’s quite divine one." Notes "dear old Charle’s Norton’s [sic] death".
• HJ4g—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated Oct 13 1808 1908. 2 cards, 4 sides. Envelope addressed to A.R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. Once cancellation stamp on the front: RYE, 11 PM, OC 13, 08. Two stamps on the back, neither fully legible: [ ], OC[ ], 08; OXF[ ], 915.PM, OC 13, 08. Back of envelope has "cuttez" or "cutter" written in ink, not in HJ’s hand. Front of envelope has a yellow post-it with ". . . a dictionary . . ." attached. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. printed header (same as contemp. letterhead). Thanks A. for his letter, "which has been on the whole reassuring to me." Promises to send A. a good dictionary. Reassures A. that Smith is only being English, and as such is really "kind + faithful + helpful." Advises A. to go to the Times for news on the Saxonia’s arrival (in the U.S.).
• HJ4h—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated October 27th 28th, 1908. 1 card, 2 sides. Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. "returning letter" written on lower-left of the envelope’s front. One cancellation on the front: RYE, 1. PM, OC 20, 08. Cancellation on back partial: [ ], 11. [ ], OC 2[ ], 08. Thanks A. for the "beautiful letters." Notes that WJ has taken "to the hills + the true breast of nature."
• HJ4i—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated O November 1st, 1908. 1 card, 2 sides. Envelope addressed to Alexander Robertson James Esq., The King’s Mound., Oxford. One partially legible cancellation stamp on the front: RYE, 9 15 AM, NO 2, 05. One cancellation stamp on the back: [ ]ford, 6.45.PM, NO 2, 08. Returns letters from WJ and Bill. Encloses one from WJ to him (HJ). Asks for "three little words. . . to tell me how you’re getting on." "I could come to you one day next week—after the 9th or 10th, remember, if you should ‘need’ me."
• HJ4j—card to "Dearest Aleck." dated Jan. 19. 1909. 1 card. 2 sides. Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. One illegible cancellation stamp on the front. One cancellation stamp on the back: OXFORD, 8.30 AM, JA 21, 09. Sketches, AJ’s name, and "Ruth Mansfild" written in pencil on the back of the envelope. Comments on "dear Peg’s letters full of life + charm." Infers from A’s lack of a note that his "‘Instructor’ has taken no new line whatever." HJ conveying news from A. to WJ. "L.H. yearns for you."
• HJ4k—letter fragment to "Dear Miss [ ]. Contained in a 3 5/8 in. x 6 & 1/2; in. envelope, labeled "H.J. Autograph" in Mickey James’s hand. Pink post-it attached to envelope, with "signature torn off."
• HJ4l—letter to "Dearest Harry." no date. [pencil notation in the upper-left of the first page "Jan 29th, ’05, in Harry’s hand (?)] 3 sheets, 6 pages. Envelope addressed to Henry James, jr, Esq, 95 Irving St., Cambridge Mass. Two cancellation marks on the front: PHILADELPHIA, JAN 29, 8-PM, 1905, PA; and a barely legible flag stamp. Two cancellation marks on the back: BOSTON, JAN 30, 10-30A, 1905, MASS.; and a flag with CAMBRIDGE STATION in the star field. Yellow note attached, "H.J. Enveloped Addressed to Nephew Harry—" in Mickey James’s hand. Asks Harry for "another blessed service"—to help him secure passage back to England on either the Saxonia or the Iapoeraia (?), sometime around July 1. Seeks "the best single cabin" and gives Harry latitude to arrange all other details. Leaving for Richmond "Tuesday a.m. 31st." Outlines plans up to St. Augustine. Outlines plans for late spring, when, before sailing, he wishes to be able to "get a good deal of my book worked off." Written from 1810 S. Rittenhouse Square.
• HJ4m—letter to "Dearest H." dated August 9th, 1904, typed on Lamb House, Rye, Sussex, letterhead. 2 sheets, 2 pages. Pages stapled. All is fixed regarding HJ’s trip to the United States. HJ in close contact with AHGJ about his plans. HJ very excited about coming to the U.S. "Send this to the others as a renewed announcement to them as well". "To Harry" written in the upper-left corner of the first page, not in HJ’s hand.
• HJ4n—photocopy of HJ4m.
HJ5—Items in HJ5 were contained in a 9 in. x 11 & 3/4; in. file folder, which is marked "To Billy" in red on the tab.
• HJ5a—letter to "Dearest Bill" dated April 13th, 1914. On 105 Pall Mall, S.W. letterhead, on which the letterhead address is canceled and "21 Carlyle Mansions, Chelsea, S.W." is written above and to the right. 9 sheets, 18 pages. Blue pencil brackets and notes. Apologizes for not writing sooner. Notes Peg’s arrival. Disparages Peg’s "appendage," Margaret Payson. Praise for Peggy’s intelligence and responsiveness and her ability to be a good companion. "She is infallably perceptive + sympathetic." Discusses beauty and noses. Criticizes Wilfred’s painting. Discussion of portrait painting.
• HJ5b—photocopy of one page from AHGJ3f.
• HJ5c—envelope 8 3/16 in. x 5 & 1/4; in. addressed by HJ to William James Esq., 39 Chestnut Street, Boston Mass, United States. Five illegible cancellation stamps. "Br. 1920. B" written on upper left corner.
• HJ5d—letter to "Dearest Bill" on Reform Club, Pall Mall. S.W., letterhead, dated June 19th, 1902. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Envelope addressed to William James Esq, Garlant’s Hotel, Suffolk St., Pall Mall. Envelope is from the Reform Club. S.W. written on the upper left. One stamp cancellation: London S.W, Jun 20 120, 4AM. Letter notifies Bill and his wife, Alice, of a delay in coming to Rye due to a late-scheduled meeting with Katie Rodgers.
HJ6—Items in HJ6 were contained in a 11 & 3/4; in. x 9 in. file folder labeled "HJ to AJ" on the cutout.
• HJ6a—letter to "Dearest [ ]" dated November 24, 1908. 1 sheet, 1 page. While this letter is torn, it appears to be on Lamb House letterhead. Sends to Aleck a letter from WJ. Comments on Peg’s "theatrical gains" and wishes he could see her perform. Pink post-it attached with the note: "signature torn off."
• HJ6b—envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq, The King’s Mound, Oxford. Postage stamp and thus cancellation torn. Cancellation stamp on the back partially legible: [ ], 6.[ ]PM, NO 23, 08.
• HJ6c—card to "Dearest Aleck." on Reform Club card stock. dated Feb. 22. 2 cards, 4 sides. Envelope addressed to A. R. James Esq., The King’s Mound, Oxford. Reform Club envelope. Cancellation: LOND[ ], FEB23 [ ], 12.15 AM. Cancellation on back: [ ]XFORD, [ ], FE 23, 09. Mentions his trip to Brighton, responds to A’s attendance at a play, which cannot "be very often done," notes receipt of a letter from "your Tufts College friend," notes family members who have written him recently. P.S. written on the outside back of the envelope.
• HJ6d—Letter to "Dearest Alice." dated April 24th, 1912, on Reform Club mourning letterhead. 2 sheets, 8 pages. Envelope also from the Reform Club and mourning stationary addressed to: Mrs. William James [Bill’s wife], Lamb House, Rye. Postage stamp torn off, but a cancellation remains: LONDON.S.W, APL25 12A, 12.15 AM. Cancellation on reverse: [ ], [ ].30AM, AP 25, 12. Arranges reservations for the three to see the Russian Dancers. "my days with you did me no end of good, + have been quite a milestone in my course." Seeks information on what was wrong with Mrs. Prothero, whom they had seen at the Rye station. Note on the inquiry to the Titanic sinking.
• HJ6e—letter to "Dearest Aleck." dated "Saturday noon." 1 sheet, 2 pages. Lamb House, Rye, Sussex letterhead. Envelope addressed to: A. R. James Esq., c/o Charles Hotham Esq., Theydon Priory, Theydon Bois., Essex. Cancellation: RYE, 1.PM, MR 20, 09. Cancellation on reverse: EPPING, 10.30.PM, MR 20, 09. Notes that he’s lost touch with "where you are," with A. having left Oxford and the Smiths, but that he is trying to reach him via Hotham. Gives advice on A’s procedure for preparing to return home. Invites A. to spend time with him. Asks A. to "inform me of your movements + times—even by wire if necessary!"
• HJ6f—letter to "Dearest Aleck." dated January February 1st 1909, on Lamb House, Rye, Sussex letterhead. Letter signature torn away, along with the letter’s lower left-hand corner. HJ returns letters. HJ notes that "I have not been very well" and "though I am definitely better, [it is] something of an effort to me to write." Deeply encouraging words to A, which remind him of the love of his family and of his uncle, which should help "to bear you up." Asks A. not to mention that he isn’t well, "such things get so exaggerated" but also notes that he can only "do short letters."
MJ1—The items in MJ1 were contained in a 9 in. x 6 in. envelope, which is addressed: "To: Alexander R. James, Esq, Caixa Postal 363, 8600 Lagos, Algarve, Portugal." The return address: "From: M. James, 34 Fairfield St., Boston, Mass., 02116. The envelope is further marked on the lower left corner "AIR" in red with a blue bar under and over the word. It has an "Air Mail" stamp and a metered postal stamp: BOSTON, Mar-4’91, MASS. Over the metered stamp is written "Wm James" in Mickey James’s hand.
• MJ1a, b—black and white death bed photographs of WJ. 5 in x 7 in. One & 3/4; length, hands folded across his chest, eyes closed. The other a chest-up picture. See also WJ7a-f.
MJ2—Items in MJ2 were contained in a 6 & 1/2; in. x 3 5/8 in. envelope, which is labeled in Mickey James’s hand. In the upper right corner MJ wrote: "HOUSES/NEWPORT" in black ink. On the front of the envelope, in red pencil, he wrote: "H O W, J, New/p." There is a "+" inside of the "O."
• MJ2a—3 & 1/2in. x 4 7/8 in. black and white photograph of MJ preparing to take a photograph. The back of the photo is labeled in MJ’s hand "M.J., (Newport--, May 7, ’77).
• MJ2b--3 & 1/2 in. x 4 7/8 in. black and white photograph of a side view of the stone house at the corner of Spring Street and Lee Avenue, where the James family lived from 1862-63. The back of the photo is labeled in MJ’s hand "H.J. house (Newport)."
• MJ2c—3 & 1/2; in. x 3 & 1/2; in. color photograph of the house in MJ2b, same shot, but from a greater distance. The back of the photo is labeled in MJ’s hand "H.J. house (Newport)."
• MJ2d—3 & 1/2; in. x 3 & 1/2; in. color photograph of the family house labeled in Harry T. Moore’s Henry James as "The James family home in Newport, Rhode Island, 1860-62." The back of the photo is labeled in MJ’s hand "W.J. house (Newport)."
WJ1--Green cloth binding. Titled on spine: Letters: William James to A.R.J. 1895-1910.
This book contains letters and postcards attached to the book pages. The following lists and, as will be the procedure for this inventory, describes briefly those letters and cards in the order of their appearance:
• WJ1a—postcard from Nauheim, Germany, September 22, 1899, with a note on the back and addressed to: Mr. John Robertson James, care of W. M. Saltes, Silver Lake (N.H.), V.S. v Amerika.
• WJ1b—postcard from Perugia, Italy, March 10 [1901], with a note on the front and addressed to: Mr. Tweedy James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass, Stati Uniti dì A.
• WJ1c—postcard from Florence, Italy, March 20 [1901], with a note on the front and addressed to: Mr. Tweedy James, 107 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass, Stati Uniti dì Anerca [?]
• WJ1d—letter to "Mon doux Cherubini’" dated Aug 8, with an envelope stamped Aug 8 ’95, written on El Paso Club (Colorado Springs, Colo.) letterhead. 2 sheets/4 pages and 2 illustrations. Envelope is addressed to: Master F.T.R..T James, Chocorua, N.H. Letter is in French. Family translation included.
• WJ1e—letter to "Darling Tweedy," dated [June 12, ‘98], with an envelope to Mr. John Roberstson James, care of William James, Chocorua, N.H. and stamped from Boston, June 12, 1898. 1 sheet, 2 pages.
• WJ1f—letter to "Darling Alice," dated June 28, ’98, P.M. and headed "Adirondack Lodge" in WJ’s hand. The letter is 1 and & 1/2; sheets, 6 pages
• WJ1g—two advertising handcards, one from "Wing Fat & Co." and one from "Sing Fat & Co." both in San Francisco.
• WJ1h—tourist flyer or magazine cutout, with picture, of Glacier Point. Reverse advertizes "Signal Peak," "Chilualna Falls," "The Summer Season at Walwona" and the paintings of Thomas Hill. No date.
• WJ1i—letter to "Darling Old Cherubini," dated August 28, 1898. One sheet, three pages. This excellent letter uses the story of a coyote’s death, which had been shot, to give a lesson on "your boy business": "He was doing his Cayote-business like a hero, and you must do your boy-business, and I my man-business bravely too, or else we wont be worth as much as that little Cayote."
• WJ1j—letter to "Dear Francis" written in part probably by Peggy, who accompanied her mother and father on the trip and in part by WJ. 1 sheet, 4 pages. The letter is dated 15th July 1899 and written on ship stationary, as the family was evidently about to depart for Europe. With the letter is a dinner menu, on the back of which is an illustration of the liner and notes to John Robertson by WJ. Envelope addressed to "Mr. John Robertson James, Care of W. M. Salter, Silver Lake, N.H. Return address: V. S. v. Amerika. 2 stamps, 2 cancellations (readable only as "Bad-Nauheim" and "8.8.99 2.34"
• WJ1k—letter to "Sweet Old Tweed," dated August 7, 1899, from "Villa Luise, Bad=Nauheim." 1 sheet, 4 pages with illustrations of 3 dogs and Mrs. WJ. Although WJ writes that that "I will let her [Alice] finish this letter," there is no section from Alice.
• WJ1l—letter to "Dear François." N.d., n.p. on the letter. 2 sheets, 3 pages. Letter gives advice on living and projects that Alec will "grow up into a filosopher like me." Second sheet is a series of six illustrations of a dog in silly positions with the caption: "Sweet old Tweedy How would you like us to bring you this little dog? So nice and fat and warm?" Envelope addressed to "Mr. Francis James, 107 Irving Street, Cambridge (Mass.), U.S.A.
• WJ1m—photocopied note with the header "Nauheim, September 2nd. 1899." to "Darling old John Robertson." The original may have been removed from the album, since the place at which the copy appears has had its item removed.
• WJ1n—letter to "Sweet Old Tweedy," dated September 23, 1899, on "Hôtel St. Gotthard-Terminus in Luzern/Jos. Döpfner" letterhead. 2 sheets, 4 pages. first page not attached to the album. The letter is rather emotional, written, WJ says, "because I feel overflowing with happiness at being in Switzerland again, and at being set free from that awful stick-in-the-mud cure-life at Nauheim . . .".
• WJ1o—letter to "Sweet Old Tweedy" from Rome dated December 6, 1900. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Unattached from the album. Enclosures mentioned in the letter (not presently in the album). Envelope: return address: Stati Uniti, di America. Addressed to: Mr. Francis James, 107 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass. 1 of 3 cancellation stamps partly legible. "Roma" as the single legible word.
• WJ1p—letter to "Sweet old . . . .Francis!", with the header "Charlotte Square, Edinb. May 26, 1901. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Recent gossip about individuals WJ has met.
• WJ1q—letter to "Darling Alice" (Alice H.G. James), dated Sunday 29.3, 1903, 8.30 P.M., on letterhead of the Kenilworth Inn, Asheville, N.C. 4 sheets, 7 pages. Within this letter are sections to "Dearest Alec, Child of my entrails" and to "Darling Peg." Envelope, from the Kenilworth Inn, addressed to "Mrs. William James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass" Cancellation stamps illegible.
• WJ1r—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated Cambridge, June 24, 1903, 8 P.M. 1 sheet, 4 pages. News to Aleck. Included is this note on Harvard Commencement, at which WJ talked: "I was afraid the President might describe me as a ‘psychologist’ a name I dislike, + so he did." Envelope addressed to Mr. Alexander R. James, c/o Wm James, Chocorua, N.H. Cancellation stamp: BOSTON, JUN 25, 4-AM, 1903, MASS.
• WJ1s—letter to "Dear old Aleck," dated 95 Irving Street, July 10, 1905. 1 sheets, 4 pages. Words to Aleck encouraging him to make the most of his summer. Envelope addressed to A.R. James, Camp Portanimicut, South Orleans, Mass. Cancelled at Cambridge Station and at Boston. Only the Boston mark is legible: Boston Mass Jul 11 1905 2-AM.
• WJ1t.i—two items on this page. Taped to the top of the page is a postcard addressed to Mr. Aleck James, Camp Portanimicut, South Orleans (Mas [card slightly torn here]. Message to "Dear old boy" about receipt of Aleck’s letter re: his fishing trip, "a real sea-experience, and not got sick." Card cancelled at Cambridge Station and at Boston. Only the Boston mark is legible: Boston Mass Jul 19 1905 2-AM.
• WJIt.ii is a letter addressed to "Dear Aleck" and dated Cambri. July 21, 1905. 1 sheet, 4 pages. WJ orders a new (tennis ?) racket for Aleck, who has broken his. WJ advises Aleck to take care of his racket, for "A good player at any game keeps his tols with the utmost care." WJ also encourages A. to do his "very best" at his lessons, using especially "the writing method."
• WJ1u.i—two items on this page, postcards, both of which are now loose. The first is addressed to Mr. A. R. James, Camp Portanimicut, Sourth Orleans, Mass It was cancelled at Cambridge Station and at Boston and a third place. Only the Boston mark is legible: Boston Mass Jul 25 1905 3-PM. Note tells of Peggy’s return and where to send mail during an upcoming trip to "Hurricane (Essex County) N.Y." WJ dated the note "Cambr. July 25.
• WJ1u.ii is addressed to Mr. A.R. James, Camp Port Portanimicut, South Orleans, Mass. The card is cancelled twice. One the Hurricane NY Aug 2 1905 stamp is legible. The note on the card is dated "Hurricane (Essex Co.), N.Y., Aug 1." Encourages Aleck to keep studying hard his Latin "syntax (swine tax)" and urges him to press ahead.
• WJ1v.i—two items on this page, postcards, both of which are now loose. The first is addressed to A.R. James, Camp Portanimicut, South Orleans, Mass. The card was cancelled at Cambridge Station and Boston and a third place not legible. The Boston stamp is the legible one and reads: Boston Mass Aug 10 1905 12-M. Note dated Cambridge, Aug. 10. Note records WJ and AJ’s "active life" and urges Aleck to study hard via mention of his "swim bladder" (cf WJ1u.ii).
• WJ1v.ii—addressed to A.R. James, Camp Portanimicut, South Orleans, Mass and is cancelled three times: Cambridge Station, Boston Mass Aug 18 1905 2-AM, and South Orleans Mass Aug 18 1905. Note is dated Cambr. Aug 17. 9 P. M. Back from Ridgefield with "bad colds." Other notes on family, including a house repair.
• WJ1w—letter to "Dearest A," dated Grand Canyon January 4, 1906. 1 page.
The letter is written on the back of a page from a magazine or a tourist flyer, with a picture of and text describing a "Hopi House." In the letter WJ describes his visit to the Hopi house, which was "most delicious."
• WJ1x—letter to "Beloved Aleck," dated December 7, 1906 from Santa Barbara, CA, on letterhead of "The Arlington." 1 sheet, 2 pages. Note on the top, not in WJ’s hand, "Seems to be wrongly dated—Probably sh’d be Jan 7—1906" and then in a different hand (?) "1905?". On the natural beauty of the region. Note that he sent home eucalyptus leaves, which would remind Aleck and his mother "of old times." Also jokes about an enclosed photo, which he could show to everyone except AHGJ, who would get jealous.
• WJ1y—letter to "Darling Aleck," dated March 5, 1906, on Stanford University letterhead. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Envelope addressed to "Mr. A.R. James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass. Cancelled twice. One stamp legible: Stanford University Cal Mar 6 11AM 1906. WJ writes of the bad weather, his bad toe, and the few nice days, including the one on which the letter was written. General details of a lovely trip into the "beautiful, beautiful hills." Few words on his lecture duty, which was adjusted from 3 to 2 lectures.
• WJ1z—letter to "Beloved Aleck," dated June 17, 1908 from Bibury. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Envelope addressed to "Alexander R. James Esq, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge (Mass), U.S. of A." Gives Aleck, who is facing exams, confidence. Tells his son that whether he passes all or none, the quicker he forgets them the better, for "they are not the whole of life, tho they tend to become so in overcivilized communities." Notes on Oxford pedagogical culture, elevating the tutors and deprecating the professors, who merely have to "empty his own gas-bag." Sports at Oxford. "Pastoral peace" of England and of its weather. Notes that "I enclose some views" of England (?), which are on the following page of the album. These have the numbers WJ1zi, postcard of "The River Coln at Bilbury" and WJ1zii, postcard of "The Swan Hotel & Gardens, Bilbury". Neither card is attached any longer to its place on this page.
• WJ1aa—letter to "Sweet old Tweedy" on the letterhead of the Adirondack Lodge, dated June 25th 27th, 1898. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Envelope addressed to Mr John Robertson James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass. Adirondack Lodge envelope. Three cancellations, none legible. WJ represents himself, away from home without his wife, "like a sheep without a shepherd, like a dove without a mate." Anecdotes regarding his daily activities.
• WJ1ab—letter to "Dearest Aleck" on Lamb House letterhead, dated August 9, 1908. 1 sheet, 2 pages. WJ works to make the best of what must have been a bad situation for Aleck: his moving to England for school because "B & N’s school has gone stale upon you, and that some change from that is imperative." No school in the United States, WJ argues, compares "whatsoever with Oxford." Encourages Aleck’s drawing and painting.
• WJ1ac—letter to "Dearest Aleck" dated "Rye, Aug 19. 08." 1 sheet, 4 pages. Envelope addressed to Mr. A. R. James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge (Mass.), U.S. of A. Front of envelope only attached. One cancellation: Rye Aug 19 08 legible.
• WJ1ad—letter to "Dear Friese" dated August 30, 1908. On American Hotel, Amsterdam, letterhead. 3 sheets, 6 pages. First sheet is a letter from AHGJ. Second sheet is from WJ. Last sheet, last two pages, contain a letter from AHGJ. Written when Aleck had been at-sea for two days, traveling to England. AHGJ sets an agenda for Aleck on his arrival, which she anticipates with enthusiasm. Gives notes on Peggy’s activities.
• WJ1ae—postcard without a greeting, addressed to "A.R. James, esq, c/o A.L. Smith Esq, Mansfield Road, Oxford. One cancellation: London.W.C. 5.45PM OC 3 08. Written from "Charing X Hotel, Saturday P.M." Short note updating Aleck on WJ’s whereabouts and noting that they miss him. postcard unattached to album.
• WJ1af—letter addressed to "Beloved Aleck" on R.M.S. Saxonia letterhead and dated "Wednesday a.m." 1sheet, 4 pages. Front side of envelope included, addressed to: Mr. A.R. James, care of A.L. Smith, Esq, Mansfield Road, Oxford. Letter responds to "Your homesick epistle." WJ addresses Aleck’s homesickness with a few words on English manners, which A. evidently read as indifference to him on the part of the Smiths, which in Smith, WJ writes, is "extreme." Advises A. how to understand the English and integrate oneself with them as an American, not as an imitator of English form. In this way, "they will relish you all the more for your strangeness."
• WJ1ag—letter addressed to "Darling Aleck," on 95 Irving Street letterhead, dated Oct 17th, 6.30 AM. 1 sheet, 4 pages. Front of an envelope included: return address as "England" and addressed to Mr. Alexander James, King’s Mound, Mansfield Road, Oxford. Letter informs Aleck that the WJ group has arrived home safely after a rough trip, Peggy being sick the whole voyage, but not WJ or AHGJ. Lets Aleck know how much his homesickness is on their minds. Assures Aleck that the bad feeling is only temporary. How WJ "expected to see you at the house" when he returned from the wharf, "+ Peggy and I shed tears over the absence of the dear boy who was always so willing to perform any service. . . ."
• WJ1ah—letter to "Beloved Aleck," dated "Salter’s Hill Top. Oct 29. 08." 2 sheets, 4 pages. Envelope: return address "England !"; addressed to Mr. A. R. James, King’s Mound, Mansfield Road, Oxford. 3 cancellations—2 front, 1 back. 1 front partially legible: Silv [. . . ] Oct 29 P.M. 1908 N.H. back: Oxford 9.15PM Nov 7 08. Notes on back: "Hugo Kisser" and "A. Gustave Vind". Letter gives general news on WJ’s moves between Salter’s and Cambridge and other events, including his attendance at Charles Eliot Norton’s funeral, to which he traveled on Oct 22. How the changing foliage is "scary, in its feminine enunciation and delicacy" in relation to English scenery. Aleck seems to over his homesickness. Advises A. "as far as your will can decide things" "to sink yourself as deeply and unreservedly in the life around you as you can. . . . Go in for ‘protective coloration’ after the fashion of your uncle Henry, and you’ll forget that you have an american home, as far as possible. You’ll get enough of it when you get back to it!"
• WJ1ai—letter to "Beloved Alexander," dated Nov 8. 1908, on 95 Irving Street letterhead. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front side of envelope: return address: "England"; addressed to Mr. A. R. James, the King’s Mound, Mansfield Road, Oxford. Two cancellations, one partially legible: Cambridge Nov 8 [ ]PM 1908 Mass. Aleck getting "better and better adapted to your new environment." A singer, Mrs. Kate Hooker, visiting 95 Irving. WJ repeating his Oxford lectures to huge, overflow, audiences. Peggy back at Bryn Mawr. Harvard President Eliot’s resignation.
• WJ1aj—letter to "Beloved Aleck," dated Cambridge Nov 26. 08. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front of envelope included, addressed: Mr. A. R. James, The King’s Mound, Mansfield Road, Oxford. Return address: England. Two cancellation marks: an American flag and a stamp, Cambridge Nov 26 5-PM 1908 MASS. Letter written on Thanksgiving Day. Peggy on her way to visit "the great Edison’s in New Jersey." WJ’s worry and treatment for "my aorta." Harvard’s win in football over Yale. Other events in and around Harvard. Funny story about Rooselvelt (TR), Geo. Washington, and Lincoln at the Gate of Heaven. Joke pivots on TR’s egoism.
• WJ1ak—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated Nov 27. 08, on 95 Irving Street stationary. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front side of envelope included. Addressed: Mr. A.R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford, England. No return address on front. Two cancellation marks legible: one American flag and a stamp: Cambridge Nov 30 2-AM 1908 MASS. Responds to Aleck’s letter, which "just arrived." WJ advises Aleck on the proper duration of A’s Christmas holiday, so A. will not miss too much time studying. Encourages A. to "take more exercise in the form of games." Encourages him too to immerse himself in English ways: "It isn’t as if you were a duffer—you’ll profit by every english thing you enter into." Letter is filled with other nuggets of fatherly advice that seems exemplary of WJ’s notion of American manhood.
• WJ1al—letter to "Darling Friese," dated, "House, Sunday Nov 29th" from AHGJ. 6 pages, 3 (?) sheets. No envelope in the album. Letter brings Aleck into the household of the moment, sending him love and the most recent comments and questions (eg. "Daddy said at dinner today . . ."). Motherly advice that Aleck should be "a joy and a comfort to the Smith family." Reminds him not to be like so many Americans, who disparage all things English. Encourages A. to "try to identify yourself with the family where we have placed you and make the needful effort as a part of what must inevitably be a strenuous year." Suspects that HJ will invite him for a week or ten days: "you must not be afraid of talking and entertaining him. His distressed manner does not mean that you are causing him pain." Closes: "Good night, dear Francis, From you loving Mother."
• WJ1am—letter in pencil to "Dear Aleck," dated, "At Geo. Dorr’s, Harbor, Dec 5. 08." 1 sheet, 2 sides. Front side of the envelope included, addressed: Mr. A. R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford, England. Two cancellation stamps: an American flag and BAR HARBOR, Dec 7, 3-PM, 1908, ME. WJ at Dorr’s to investigate spiritual phenomena. Weather information for his trip. Family gossip.
• WJ1an—letter to "Darling Aleck," on 95 Irving St. letterhead, dated Jan 19. 09. 3 sheets, 6 sides. Two cancellation marks: one barely legible American flag; one stamp, with only the following legible: JAN , 10P, 19, MA. Letter responds to Aleck’s declaration of "your career and fate." ThE declaration that he would leave school in England and consider "the alternative between HU and some almost immediate entrance into practical life." WJ supports strongly A’s taking charge of his life. Yet he does not agree with A. that Harvard and practical life need be at odds. WJ offers alternatives and advice that "your dream of immediately tumbling into any opening that might offer in the west is unwise." Encourages consideration of the practical value of university course work. A’s declaration has thrown the family "topsy-turvy." Latin, evidently, was extremely difficult for and unliked by Aleck. Ends: "Take heart, dear old boy, we all believe in you and your future, and are proud of the letter you wrote. Your loving Dad.
• WJ1ao—letter to "Dearest Aleck," on 95 Irving St. letterhead, dated Jan 27th .09. 1 sheet, 2 pages. Front of envelope included (tear on top left): addressed: Mr. A. R. James, the King’s Mound, Oxford, England. Purple rubber stamped return address [tear]mes, 95 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass. Two cancellation marks: an American flag and a stamp: CAMBRIDGE, Jan 28, 1-AM, 1909, MASS. Sends a bill to Aleck for payment. Promises that A. won’t "get pauperized." More support for Aleck’s decision to leave Oxford and for him as a person.
• WJ1ap—letter to "Darling Aleck," on 95 Irving St. letterhead, dated Fe. 28. 09. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front of envelope included: addressed to Mr. A. R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford. England written across the top of the envelope. Two cancellation marks: American flag and a stamp: CAMBRIDGE, MAR 1, 2-AM, 1909, MASS. Letter addresses A’s investigation of Harvard admission. Implication that A. has written to Bill, at least, of a plan to spend a year painting. Possibility that A. will leave the Smiths immediately for Switzerland, if he should so prefer.
• WJ1aq—letter to "Dearest Aleck," dated March 1st. "1909" added in pencil. Front side of an envelope included: addressed: Mr. A.R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford. England written across the top center of the envelope. Three cancellation marks; two legible: an American flag, and CAMBRIDGE, MAR 1, 3-PM, 1909, MASS. 1 sheet, 3 pages. Clarifies Feb 28 letter by putting the choice of staying in Oxford or going to Switzerland in A’s hands and offering support for either choice. The new plan is for Aleck to cable "Switzerland" if he plans to leave, then leave the Smiths, and go to HJ’s house "to await developments." WJ offers this sequence: "1. Done with Smiths 2. Ready for Switz?"
• WJ1ar—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated March 7. 09, on 95 Irving St. letterhead. 2 sheets (?), 8 pages. Pages numbered in pencil both in the top center of each and then in the upper right of what may be each sheet. Front of envelope included, with top edge cut. Addressed to "A. R. James Esq, The King’s Mound, Oxford, England. Two cancellations: American flag and a stamp: C[ ]E, MAR 7, 10-PM, 1909, MASS. WJ encourages and supports Aleck’s decision to try painting. Aleck will leave the Smiths when he is ready and go to HJ’s. Reinforces earlier letters that the year painting could never be considered wasted. Sends money and promises that his letter to Smith "won’t compromise you."
• WJ1as—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated March 7. 09, on 95 Irving St. letterhead. 1 sheet, 1 page. Front of envelope included: addressed to Mr. A.R. James, The King’s Mound, Oxford, England. Two cancellations marks: an American flag and a stamp: CAMBRIDGE, MAR 7, 10-PM, MASS. The letter in WJ1ar was mailed without the check, which WJ writes "will go tomorrow." Sentence on the contemporary activity of "your ma and Peggy" (who were preparing dinner in the kitchen).
• WJ1at—note to "Dearest Aleck," dated Cambridge March 8. 09, on a folded card. 1 sheet, 1 page. "Here is the money which I announced to you yesterday."
• WJ1au—letter to "Dear Aleck," dated March 19. 09, on 95 Irving St. letterhead. 2 sheets, 4 pages. Front of envelope: A.R. James, Esq, Lamb House, Rye, Engla[ ]. Right side of envelope cut. Responds to A’s letter of March 10, in which he evidently complained that others were controlling his fate. The problem, WJ concludes, is that there has been too much room in the communications "for imagination to work in—both ways indeed." Ends to section: "I’m awfully glad you’re coming home!"
• WJ1av—2 sheets, 2 pages. Letterhead from Stonehurst, Intervale, N.H. Appear from WJ’s inscription to be lecture notes from a series of talks by John La Farge in NY in 1908.
WJ2—Newspaper sections contained in an envelope (approx. 8 & 1/2; x 11 & 1/2;) from Peter A. Juley & Son, New York. Two lists on the envelope (apparently its contents). Also, in red, ’91 in the upper right and, next to each item, either a checkmark or "missing" in red. First list: Dad’s (1842-1910)—Hair and newspaper of Oct 1. 1842 [NB. The hair and paper were in the folder when I received it. I returned both to Bay James via Peter Walker on July 30.] (black checkmark and red checkmark follow); A.J. (Hair) Also copy of The Nation of Dec 17, 1890 and Newspaper of Dec 22 1890 (black and red checkmarks follow); Photo of HJ Senior (Grandfather) (missing noted in red); Also other odd items—. The second list, in a different hand, follows: lock of Dr. Dan L. Gibben’s hair (missing-in red); Letter fr. Harry James referring to A.J. as a baby; very early drawing + water color by AJ (missing-in red); Alec’s baby hair. Harry writes, "Why should Alec have ‘curls’ + the rest of us only ‘hair’? [NB I returned this box with the Harry’s note to Bay James via Peter Walker on July 30. There were three locks in the box, not one.]; Snapshots of Rye + Chocurua, from Peggy’s scrap book (missing-in red).
• WJ2a—first 8 pages of The Boston Post for Monday Morning, December 22, 1890. Written above the banner head "Post" in pencil is "Birthday of 5th Child"
• WJ2b--The Nation (vol. LI, no. 1330), Thursday, December 25, 1890, i-vi, and 491-512. Written above the banner head "The" in pencil is "Week in which 5th Child was born." (This number also contains a review of HJ’s The Tragic Muse.)
WJ3—Oval black and white photograph, approx. 3 & 1/2; in. x 5 in. centered on a 7 in. x 9 & 1/2; in. paper in a 9 5/8 in. x 17 & 1/4;, tri-fold grey sleeve. The photograph is remarkable for its depth and the intensity of WJ’s gaze, which peers slightly down at the viewer. Probably c. 1901. Outside right flap inscribed: Vachy (?) Bros., Cambridge, Mass.
WJ4—The items in WJ3 were contained in a 7 & 1/2; in. x 5 5/16 in. envelope labeled "W.J. covers" in what may be Mickey James’s hand.
• WJ4a—envelope addressed to Monsieur Thomas S. Perry, 9. Avenue de la Bourdonnais, Paris, France. Printed return address: William James, 95 Irving St., Cambridge Station, BOSTON, MASS. Two cancellation marks on the front: an American flag and a stamp: BOSTON, APR 2, 10-PM, 1907, MASS. Once cancellation stamp on the back: 9 PARIS, 9*, 12-6, 07, DISTRI[ ].
• WJ4b—envelope addressed to Monsieur T. S. Perry, Givèrny, par Vernon (Eure), France. No return address. Three cancellation marks on the front: one illegible; SILV[ ], JUN, 24, P.M., 1907, N.H.; BOSTON, JUN 25, 2 PM, MASS. One stamp on the back: VERNON, 6, 5-7, 07, EURE.
• WJ4c—envelope addressed to Mrs. Whitman, Thomas’s Hotel, Berkeley Square, London, W. One cancellation: EDINBURGH, 10 30 PM, JU 4, 02, 13.
• WJ4d—envelope addressed to Monsieur T. S. Perry, 41, Avenue de la Bourdonnais, Paris. France written at top center. One cancellation: CAMBRIDGE, MAR [ ], 1-AM, 1909, MASS. "Keep me informed of more titles in military psychology—I can see a good possible book there" written by WJ on the back flap. This envelope was contained in 6 7/16 in x 3 5/8 in. envelope, with "W.J. cover to letter to T. S. Perry—written on the front.
• WJ4e—envelope addressed to: Monsieur T. S. Perry, à Givèrny, par Vernon (Eure), France. Cancellation stamp on front illegible except for "[ ]INCOLN. Cancellation on back: VERNON, 8, 12-8, 07, EURE.
• WJ4f—envelope addressed to: Mrs. Henry Whitman, Hotel de France et de Choiseul, Paris. Envelope bears an embossed orange-red stamp of the Charing Cross Hotel on the flap. Cancellation stamp on the front: LONDON. W.C., 7.20PM, AP 17, 02, 42. "S9" written in blue pencil on the front. Stamp on back illegible.
• WJ4g—envelope addressed to: Thos. S. Perry Esq, 312 Marlborough Street, Boston, V. St. v. A. Street address struck out in pencil. "Hancock N. H." written in. Cancellation stamp on front, much illegible except: BAD NAUHIEM, [ ], e. Cancellation on back: HANCOCK, N.H., JUN, 1 [?], [ ], 1910, REC’D.
WJ5—The items in WJ2 were contained in a 3 5/8 in. x 5 5/8 in. envelope, found in HJ1. The envelope is labeled "W. James Autographs" in pencil.
• WJ5a—card to "Dear Madam, dated Cambridge, Jan 18, 1909, with "Miss Ayer" written in pencil in the lower left corner in WJ’s hand. This is a form card, which WJ must have used to decline invitations to speak.
• WJ5b, c, d—WJ’s signatures, which have been removed from checks.
WJ6—The items in WJ6 were contained in a 6 & 1/2; in. x 3 5/8 in. envelope, which is labeled "Post Cards" in red pencil, circled in blue pencil. Below that label, in blue ink: "from W.J. to Alec"
• WJ6a—postcard to "Dearest Tweedy" addressed to Mr. Cherubini James, Care of W. M. Salter, Silver Lake, N. H.; 95 Irving St. Cambridge, Mass; Silver Lake, N. H. 7 cancellation stamps, 5 front: WAWONA, AUG 24, 1898, CAL; SILVERLAKE, AUG, 31, 1898, N.H., SILVERLAKE, SEP 31, 1898, N.H.; BOSTON. MASS. SEP 2[?], 9 P.M., 1898; RECEIVED, 5. 2 back, over WJ’s note: BOSTON, SEP 4, 4 AM, 1898, MASS; CAMBRIDGE, RECEIVED, STATION. WJ’s note outlines his camping trip in California, notes on the "tremendous" trees, riding horses, the stars at night.
• WJ6b—postcard addressed to Master Tweedy James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, (Mass.), Stati Uniti di A. 6 postmarks on the front: 2--FIRENDE, 15, 8-01, 7S, FERROVIA; BOSTON, Mar 27, 8-AM, 1901, MASS.; RECEIVED 3; BOSTON, MAR 27, 10-30A, 1901, MASS.; and an American flag stamp with CAMBRIDGE STATION in the space on the flag where the stars would be. Message side of the card is a photo of Perugia and a message, dated "Florence, Mch. 15" tells Aleck that they are now in Florence, "about 4,000 miles off," gives a few words about Florence, and hopes "that you work well, play well, eat well, with long chewing, + tell the truth."
• WJ6c—addressed to: A. R. James, 95 Irving St., Cambridge (Mass), Stati Uniti di A. Four cancellation stamps: two from Orvieto mostly illegible; an American flag stamp with CAMBRIDGE STATION in the space on the flag where the stars would be; BOSTON, MAY 15, 6-30A, 1905, MASS. Reverse side offers a photo captioned: 5074 Alterocca-Terni Orvieto—Pozzo di S. Patrizio. Short note beneath photo on the well pictured.
• WJ6d—postcard to "Dear Aleck" dated March 28. Addressed to: A. R. James Esq, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass, Stati Uniti, di America. Italian cancellation stamp illegible. An American flag stamp with CAMBRIDGE STATION in the space on the flag where the stars would be; and BOSTON, APR 12, 7-AM, 1905, MASS. Reverse is a colored photograph or an illustration captioned "Marina di Mitromania" and "Capri." Short note telling Aleck that WJ had met in Capri "Mr. Warren + Machado [?]" Also asserts "You ought to see this bully place."
• WJ6e—postcard addressed to "Mrs. Wm James, 95 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass. One cancellation stamp: CHOCURUA, OCT, 19, 7AM, 190[ ], N.H. WJ heads his note, "Sunday Hill-Top noon. Exuberant note on the beauty of the NH fall countryside: "I am so glad I came up here! I never saw the country so sentimentally beautiful—entirely incommensurable with anything in England, and therefore not to be compared. Morbid, frail, transparent, secret, like a victim of some kind of feminity [sic](--like me! for example!) The trees hold all their fire, gold, green, + scarlet. The air is smoke-hazed, there is no wind, no people, no sound." Etc.
• WJ6f—postcard addressed to Mr. A. R. James, 95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass, U. S. of. A. Once Greek cancellation on picture side of card: ATHENA (in Greek letters), 26 MAPT (in Greek letters), [ ], 05. Two cancellations on address side: American flag with CAMBRIDGE STATION in what would be the flag’s star field; also, BOSTON APR 2[ ], [ ]-AM, 1905, MASS. Black and white photograph of the Temple of Theseus in Athens. Message dated April 7. "This is the place to learn Greek history—you can’t help longing to know more about it. The cleverest people that ever lived, + the highest spirited."
• WJ6g—sepia tone photograph of a reclining and regal lion. Embossed stamp in lower right: Gaetano Feo, Roma, 131 Via Sistina. No date. Reverse note in pencil is worth giving here in its entirety because it characterizes so accurately the tenor of WJ father through these papers: "Sweet Old Tweedy—Guess what I’ve got!—a tame young lion! His name is Tiberius, and he licks my hand. He was born on the Tiber, and I’m going to bring him home by the Southern route. I hope he’ll live; they are very delicate. He eats mush. He cost only $100. Won’t he scare people who come to the house! This is him. W.J."
WJ7a-f—These items were contained in a 7 & 1/4; in. x 5 & 1/4; in. envelope labeled in blue ink "W.J. (Death Bed)" probably in Mickey James’s hand. There are 6 photos, which duplicate those in MJ1a,b. 3 duplicate MJ1a and three MJ1b.
WJ8—These items were contained in a 9 & 1/2; in. x 4 1/8 in. envelope labeled "WJ Cancelled Checks in Mickey James’s hand. Each of the checks has holes punched, which may, like a tear, remove letters from a name. The checks are listed in the order in which they were in the envelope.
• WJ8a—check no. 496, dated June 20, 1907, for $2.55, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Hildegarde H[ ]rdenbergh.
• WJ8b—check no. 500, dated July 1, 1907, for $50.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Joseph H. Pratt, M.D.
• WJ8c—check no. 143, dated April 10, 1898, for $150.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to W.J. for E.P.G., signed "Wm. James Agent"
• WJ8d—check no. 468, dated June 3, 1907, for $18.75, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Watson and Rivinius
• WJ8e—check no. 98, dated Feb 9, 1897, for $150.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to W.J. for E.P.G, signed "Wm. James Agent."
• WJ8f—check no. 471, dated June 3, 1907, for $150.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Self.
• WJ8g—check no. 497, dated June 28, 1907, for $100.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Self.
• WJ8h—check no. 383, dated June 28, 1909, for $81.40, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to H. O. Houghton + Co
• WJ8i—check no. 470, dated June 3, 1907, for $5.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Wm. C. [Le]gendre treasr. (See stamp on reverse)
• WJ8j—check no. 134, dated Jan 7, 1898, for $300.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Brown Brothers + Co.
• WJ8k—check no. 139, dated Feb. 19, 1898, for $23.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to W.J., signed "Wm James Agent"
• WJ8l—check no. 469, dated June 3, 1907, for $5.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Florence Ch[ ]ndler Publisher.
• WJ8m—check no. 467, dated June 2, 1907, for $5.00, drawn from the Charles River National Bank, and paid to Charles Lowell Barlow.
WJjr1a—card to "Dear William," addressed to William James, Otis Place, from 191 Commonwealth Avenue. 1 card, 2 sides. Note seems to address the 70th birthday fiasco and pledges, "It will be done as your uncle wishes." Note may be from Henry L. Higginson. This item was held in HJ1.
Photos 1—items were contained in an 11 & 3/4; in. x 9 in. file folder.
• Photos 1a—6 3/8 in. x 4 3/8 in. black and white photograph labeled in pencil "H.J. + W.J. (circa 1888). Mounted on a piece of gray board 10 in. x 8 in. The photo is a lovely picture of the two boys
• Photos 1b—5 & 1/2; in. x 5 5/8 in. black and white photo of H.J. Marked "E.O. Hoppé in the lower right. Mounted on 5 13/16 in. x 6 & 1/2; in. brown paper with "MILLAIS HOUSE, SOUTH KENSINGTON" stamped on the lower left. Photo and paper mounted on 9 & 3/4; in. x 11 5/8 in. brown light board. Reverse stamped: HOPPÉ, 7 CROMWELL PLACE, SOUTH KENSINGTON, No. 1576A, with the number having been written in pencil. A beautiful and highly sculptural bust-photograph of HJ.